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Heartwarming movie to be long remembered
15 August 2006
What else can be said about Vanessa Redgrave that hasn't been said yet?I think I have the answer for that difficult question. She makes me feel that she's acting specially for me. She makes me remember all I was taught by my parents and the world itself, that one should always be true to himself and never make any concessions to whatever might come between him and his or her beliefs.Nevertheless, this time she outdid herself and managed to have Trevor Morgan contribute with his huge talent to her brilliant performance , thus delighting us all. Bravo once again Vanessa! Bravo ,endearing child Travor who one day shall be sitting alongside all the "sacred monsters" of the film industry. Last but not least,I honestly hope that Peter O'Fallon continues selecting scripts that will hold audiences in suspense for a long long time.
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