The real essence of this delightful rural comedy: Civlized societies defend their weakest members and value every person, including eccentrics.
Remember that in the '30s, many people saw totalitarianism as being the new. organized, "efficient" way - whilst western Europe was disorganized. The West's governments were seen as being to hidebound and conservative, lacking answers to the chaos of the Depression.
Tawny Pippit showed that our "old-fashioned" system had the right stuff, because it valued freedom, the right to be different and protection of the weak, and showed that countries facing challenges can succeed, even if seeming dis-organized, through shared morals & commitment coming from the people themselves and not dictated - it proved that in the end, good government is the servant of the people.
Remember that in the '30s, many people saw totalitarianism as being the new. organized, "efficient" way - whilst western Europe was disorganized. The West's governments were seen as being to hidebound and conservative, lacking answers to the chaos of the Depression.
Tawny Pippit showed that our "old-fashioned" system had the right stuff, because it valued freedom, the right to be different and protection of the weak, and showed that countries facing challenges can succeed, even if seeming dis-organized, through shared morals & commitment coming from the people themselves and not dictated - it proved that in the end, good government is the servant of the people.