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Alien Apocalypse (2005 TV Movie)
Disappointing to say the least...
26 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well tonight Alien Apocalypse aired on the Sci-Fi channel.I was super excited,because Bruce Campbell is my favorite actor,well the movie isn't what it seems to be.The Aliens are awful looking,and don't appear hardly at all,and when Bruce and Company battle them it is all most painful to watch it is so fake.The acting is horrible aside from Bruce but even he isn't at the top of his game here.He is still Bruce though,and does give some good one-liners.Everything is nearly bottom of the barrel.The props you can tell where recently molded from plastic.The sets were horribly fake.The Plot actually is a good one though,but the movie is extremely low budget,and looks like it could have been made by a high school kid my age.Now Bruce I respect you and all,but Alien Apocalypse was not a wise move at all.

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