Let me start with two things-I usually disagree with most reviews and as a 90's kid this was up my alley. But the reviews got it right this time. There's lots of great home footage which as expected is all famous people. But as others stated, when a narrative developed the film would immediately cut and move on. As an example, even when the death of a friend happened, it would be difficult to surmise whom. No picture of a news article or archive news footage, not even a current interview about how much the lost friend meant. I can't imagine losing one of my childhood friends, creating a film for Hulu and not honoring them with 30 seconds. Other topics get the same treatment which is what makes reviewers say JUMBLED and NARCISSISTIC to which I agree. Having said that, the footage existed and I don't blame her, having grown up famous. But it could have told a much deeper story in better hands.