The plot of Mexico's cinematic rendition of the invisible man is hardly new, being essentially a remake of the 1940 Universal Studios film "The Invisible Man Returns." Like Sir Geoffrey Radcliffe before him, Carlos, oops make that "Charles Hill" is falsely convicted of murder. Where Radcliffe found himself facing the gallows. Hill is merely sentenced to 99 years in prison. Luckily, Hill's scientist brother concocts the obligatory invisibility serum and smuggles it into prison. Hill takes the serum, vanishes, and simply walks out of jail. Invisibility enables Hill to make fools out of the police and prove his innocence. Unfortunately, that nasty side effect--creeping insanity--rears it ugly, unseen head. Hill decides that he rather terrorize the city than go back to being normal. Can he be stopped in time? Hardly a classic but some nice special effects, a few intriguing scenes, and decent acting make the film worth watching, if you can find it.