Eddie Stubbs
- Elenco
- Trilha sonora
Eddie Stubbs é conhecido pelo seu trabalho em The Marty Stuart Show (2008), Great Performances (1971) e Nashville: No Ritmo da Fama (2012).
Série de TV
- Trilha sonora("Black Eyed Susie", não creditado, "The Montgomery County Breakdown", "Wake Up Susan", "Pretty Katy Kline", "The Legend of the Johnson Boys", "Pretty Polly Ann", "Little Pink", "Miller's Cave", "Walking My Lord Up Calvary's Hill", "Rye Straw", "Walkin' in My Sleep", "Bile 'Em Cabbage Down", "It's Two O'Clock in the Morning", "Slide Them Jugs Down the Mountain", "The Black Mountain Blues", "Bile Them Cabbage Down", "Wake Up Susan", "Way Downtown", "Fire on the Mountain")