In Driblando o Destino (2002), her character Jess' scar was actually not part of the
original script. It was added in based on a real scar Nagra has on her
leg. Her pants caught fire when she was young, she was placed in a tub
of water so the fabric stuck to the skin. When the fabric was removed
it pulled a great deal of skin with it, causing the scarring.
The top question I always get is, "What was it like to kiss Jonathan Rhys Meyers,
you lucky cow?" What can I say? He was great to kiss. Good lips. It was
embarrassing, actually. The first time we had that kissing scene, I
actually forgot my lines, I got so lost in it. "There was silence all
around me and I thought 'Why is everything so quiet?' I looked around
and then said, 'Oh, it's me, isn't it?'" (on kissing Rhys-Meyers in
Driblando o Destino (2002))