J.P. Bear
- Actor
While volunteering at local hospitals, nursing homes and libraries in the Phoenix Arizona area, with my Newfoundland Dog, Sioux Pooh,
I learned of SGT Gander who was the mascot of the Royal Rifles of Canada in the Second World War. With Sioux Pooh, by my side, kids
would read to her in the "Reading to Dogs" program and I passed out literature about the Newfoundland Dog breed and various fictional
and non-fictional dogs. The more I found out about SGT Gander the more intrigued I was about his story. After seeing the film, "War Horse",
I imagined that a film should be made about SGT Gander and his story at the Battle of Hong Kong.
The film originally was written as a Full Length Feature Film, but with aid of some very fine film professionals I have adapted the genre's
to include a TV Mini-Series, a Docu-Drama, a Narrated Documentary through the eyes of Gander's handler, Rifleman Fred Kelly and also
as a Documentary. The film is still in the need to be produced and I am working hard to accomplish my goal. This Dog and the Men he
served with at the Battle of Hong Kong, NEED to Be Remembered and their story told!