Malcolm Ray
- Actor
- Producer
- Camera and Electrical Department
Malcolm Ray was born on 5 July 1990 in the USA. He is an actor and producer, known for Demo Reel (2012), Alice (in Wonderland) and The Nostalgia Critic (2007).
TV Series
- Malcolm
- Announcer
- Satan
- Black Willy Wonka
- Bill
- Analyst 2
- Chart Guy
- Shyamalan
- Benny
- Benny the Assassin
- Darth Vader
- Commercial Boy
- Little Boy
- Malcolmus
- Meninist #3
- Carrotjuice
- Commercial Announcer - voice
- Finn
- Narrator
- Spike Lee
- Audience Member #3
- Blade
- Boy
- Businessman
- Commercial Announcer
- Commercial Guy
- Deadshot
- Doctor
- Guard
- Guy in Commercial
- Ike
- Lucius Fox
- Mike Hanlon
- Mr. T (voice)
- Old Man
- President Obama
- Referee
- Sokka
- TGWTG User #1
- The Devil
- The Joker
- The Mandalorian
- Troperaiser
- Writer
- 'Moviesquitoes' Announcer
- 3D Brother
- 80s Spokesman
- 911 Operator
- Accountant
- Analyst 1
- Anger
- Ant Bully Crew Member
- Artemis
- Assistant Director
- Auctioneer
- Baby Bear
- Bandito #1
- Bar Friend
- Baze Malbus
- Ben Benjamin
- Black Critic
- Black Kid
- Black Panther
- Black Sparrow
- Bouncer
- Bully 1
- Carl
- Casting Director
- Charlie
- Chris Tucker
- Cinematographer
- Commentator #2
- Commercial Husband
- Commercial Narrator
- Commercial Rapper
- Commissioner Malcolm
- Common Moviegoer #1
- Conductor
- Construction Worker #2
- Cop
- Cowboy
- Critic's Penis
- Cut Storm
- Cyborg
- D-Bag
- DC Exec #2
- Darwin
- Davey Stone (voice)
- Deadpool
- Deadpool fan
- Director
- Disaster Movie
- Divorce Attorney
- Dog Johnson
- Don Hagarty
- Dove
- Dove #1
- Dr. Hack
- Dr. Pity
- Dulé Hill
- Dumb Cop #2
- Eartha Kitt
- Eddie Murphy
- Eggo Commercial Kid
- Electro
- Elevator Operator (voice)
- Emcee
- Employee #1
- Ernie
- Executive
- Exploding Man
- Extreme Commercial Boy
- Fart Joke
- Fashion Show Audience Member
- First Order Personnel
- Frank Langella
- Freakazoid
- Future Malcolm
- General #2
- Geordie LaForge
- George
- Gimli
- Girl's Date
- God
- Graggle
- Greef Karga
- Grumpy Old Man
- Guard #1
- Gus
- Gustavo 'Gus' Fring
- Guy
- Guy #1
- Guy eating Candy Bar
- HAL 9000
- Harlem Shake Dancer #3
- Harry
- Heath Ledger Joker
- Henchman #1
- Hollywood Creative Stock Market Worker
- Hollywood Writer
- Hospital Caller
- Hostage
- Hyper Fanboy
- Indiana Jones
- Insect #3
- Insurance Worker
- Internet Critic
- Jack O'Dwyer
- James Earl Jones
- Jannah
- Jesse
- Jibberjabber
- Jim Evers
- Joe Chill
- John Grover (Labyrinth Editor)
- KITT (voice)
- Kanye West
- Kel Mitchell
- Kid
- Kid #2
- Kid in Smoke Detector Ad
- Krang
- Lando Calrissian
- Little Boy in Bed
- Lumiere
- Malcof
- Malcolm Morales
- Malcom
- Male Cat
- Male Martian
- Mall Manager
- Man in Commercial
- Man in Office #2
- Maniac Zack
- Manny
- Maurice Moss
- Mayor of the Universe
- Michael Jordan
- Miles Morales
- Morty
- Mosquito #2
- Mother Abigail
- Movie Director
- Movie God
- Mr. CEO Of Nickelodeon
- Mr. Cat
- Mr. Hornhead
- Mr. Norton
- Mr. Rooster
- Mr. Worm
- Narrator - voice
- Nermal
- Neverhand Digger
- Nitpicker #1
- Obama
- Office Worker #2
- Orphan
- Owen Grady
- Park Attendant
- Paul
- Paul Giamatti's Agent
- Perry White
- Phil
- Police Chief
- Police Figure
- Porn Director
- Porn Santa
- Powerful Man
- Producer of The Mummy Returns
- Prof. Birmingham Dickens
- Rapper
- Reality Monster - Voice
- Rebel Soldier #3
- Reggie
- Researcher #1
- Robber
- Robert Downey Jr.'s agent
- Robocop film
- Rodriguez's Assistant
- Sailor #3
- Sam
- Samuel L. Jackson
- Samuel L. Jackson (voice)
- Santa Christ
- Satanist
- Saw Gerrera
- School Kid
- Scientist #2
- Screenwriter
- Senator Barrows
- Shadow Stan
- Shazam
- Shredder
- Simon Masrani
- Simon Phoenix
- Sister Honey
- Snow White - voice
- Southern Narrator
- Spider Man
- Spider-Man Writer
- Spin 'n' Say Toy Tester
- Star Wars Fan
- Steve Trevor
- Stokowski
- Stormtrooper
- Stranger from Dark City #2
- Super Shredder
- Sweet Old Lady
- T.O.M.
- Teen Boy
- The 3D Brothers
- The Pixelator
- The Wind
- Thug
- Tolkien Fan
- Tourist
- Trailer Narrator
- Treasure Planet
- Tuffy the Tiger
- Tyler Perry
- Universal Studios Executive
- Venom
- Victim
- Viewer #2
- Villager #2
- Voice Actor
- Voter #2
- Voting Official
- Warner Bros. Executive
- Watcher #2
- Water Tribe Member #1
- Wesley Snipes
- Wild
- Will Smith
- Winkie Guard
- Worker #1
- Writer #1
- Yoda
- Yoda (voice)
- Zoe Lawton
- Zordon