Christopher Willis(II)
- Composer
- Music Department
- Actor
Christopher Willis composes the music to Disney's
Mickey Mouse (2013), and
co-writes the music to the Emmy Award-winning show
Veep (2012). He has also (as an
"additional music" composer) contributed to a number of major Hollywood
movies, including
Twilight: Chapitre 5 - Révélation, 2e partie (2012),
X-Men : Le Commencement (2011),
Winnie l'Ourson (2011),
Shrek 4 : Il était une fin (2010)
and Histoires enchantées (2008). He
grew up in England and was a concert pianist, musicologist and concert
composer before moving to California to pursue a film music career. He
read music at the University of Cambridge and studied the piano at the
Royal Academy of Music. Later he returned to Cambridge to write a PhD
on the music of Domenico Scarlatti.
His music has been played in the BBC Proms and on BBC Radio, and he has
contributed a number of articles to scholarly journals and a chapter in
the book Domenico Scarlatti Adventures.