James D Bowen
- Editor
- Cinematographer
- Director
James D Bowen, accomplished film director, director of photography and editor. James serves as the creative force and guiding visionary at Overcrank Media, a prominent production house based in Bali. Originating from England, he cultivated his passion for filmmaking during his tenure with leading advertising agencies in Europe.
Over his career, he has developed an eclectic portfolio of work and has lent his expertise to renowned global brands. James has worked internationally with renowned brands like Porsche, Red Bull, and Arsenal FC, creating impactful online advertisements and short documentaries. Later working on longer form documentaries for Vice and CNN, as well as host of privately funded documentary films. James established his own Bali-based media production company, PT. Overcrank Media Production in 2020. Overcrank Media specializes in documentary and commercial films. They have also filmed several short fictional narratives and are working on a feature film set to be played in Indonesian cinemas in 2025.
Over his career, he has developed an eclectic portfolio of work and has lent his expertise to renowned global brands. James has worked internationally with renowned brands like Porsche, Red Bull, and Arsenal FC, creating impactful online advertisements and short documentaries. Later working on longer form documentaries for Vice and CNN, as well as host of privately funded documentary films. James established his own Bali-based media production company, PT. Overcrank Media Production in 2020. Overcrank Media specializes in documentary and commercial films. They have also filmed several short fictional narratives and are working on a feature film set to be played in Indonesian cinemas in 2025.