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TV Series
- Fozzie Bear
- Miss Piggy
- Animal
- Sam the Eagle
- Mildred
- George
- George the Janitor
- Marvin Suggs
- Boppity
- Frank
- Zucchini Brother
- Animal's Dancing Partner
- Baby
- Bert
- Black Rooster
- Crocodile
- Gorgon Heap
- Gramps
- Whatnot Dancer
- Whatnot Dancers
- Additional Muppets
- Alien
- Atrics Piano Player
- Atrics piano player
- Banana
- Baskerville
- Beaker clones
- Big Mary Louise
- Billy the Bear
- Boo Mortmorkinson
- Borcellino
- Bun-Bun Brother
- Chickens
- Clodhopper
- Cookie Monster
- Dog Bomber
- Doglion
- Dough
- Fazoob
- Feather Boa Constrictor
- Fozzie's Cousin
- Fred
- Geri and the Atrics Piano Player
- Girl Dancer
- Gloat
- Gogalala Jubilee Jugband Guitarist
- Green Frackle
- Green Heap
- Grover
- House
- Hugga Wugga
- Jugband Member
- Killer Lamb
- Lead Gingerbread Man
- Male Koozebanian
- Mary Louise
- Merdlidop
- Mother
- Patient
- Pig
- Pigs
- Purple Frackle
- Purple Heap
- Rat
- Runaway
- Salsburg Sauerkraut Singer
- Scraggly Woman
- Slim Wilson
- Snake Frackle
- Snowths
- Tambourine Player
- The Swedish Pig
- Train Conductor
- Tree
- Two-Nosed Whatnot
- Villain
- Whatnot
- Wolf
- Wolfhound
- Woman(voice)
TV Series
- Bert
- Grover
- Cookie Monster
- Harvey Kneeslapper
- Tessie Twiddlebug
- Lefty the Salesman
- Anything Muppets
- Prince Charming
- Muppet
- Beautiful Day Monster
- Mailman
- Humpty Dumpty
- Pig
- Snow White
- Cow
- Frank
- Barber
- King
- Backup Doctor
- Boy
- Charlie
- Green J Friend
- Horse
- Larry Rhymie
- Train Conductor
- Farmer Frankie
- Parker Piper
- Porter Piper
- Professor Hastings
- Pumpkin Cheerleader
- Rocky's Mother
- Salesman
- The Woodsman
- Additional Anything Muppets
- Alistair Cookie
- Doc Holiday
- Dr. Rainbrain
- Frances Oznowicz
- Girl
- Jascha Lombardi
- Man
- Mrs. Rooney
- Pinocchio
- Repairman
- The Biggest Person in the Kingdom
- The Pied Piper
- The Smallest Person in the Kingdom
- Additional Muppets
- Bats
- Big Bill
- Cloud
- Clucky Luciano
- Director
- Driver
- Fat Blue Tarnish Brother
- Fat Blue Vocalist
- Fireman
- Green Alien
- Green Cowboy
- Grover's Mommy
- Lamont
- Larry
- Lefty
- Little Miss Muffet
- Mother Goose
- Mr. Draper
- Pig #1
- Poppa Piper
- Rosemary
- Santa Claus
- Scooter
- Sister
- Store Clerk
- The City Mouse
- The Encyclopedia Salesman
- The Evil Prime Minister
- Tooth
- Turtle
- Two Headed Monster
- Announcer
- Augustine Washington
- Ball
- Bart
- Bat
- Blue Singer
- Cowpoke
- Delivery Man
- E-Sweater Man
- End
- First
- Florist
- Fuzzyface
- Gas Station Attendant
- Green Cowpoke
- Jack
- Kermit The Frog
- King Morris
- Lavender Son
- Lettuce
- Little Bad Wolf
- Lulu
- Mahna Mahna's Backup Girl
- Maurice's Love Interest
- Papa Piper
- Pig #3
- Pink Girl
- Princess Penelope
- Pumpkin Subject
- Ralph
- Royal Cook
- Rubber Balls
- Singer
- Spider
- Splurge
- Square
- T-Sweater Man
- The Cat with the Fiddle
- The Old Woman Who Lives in a Shoe
- The Square
- The Tortoise
- Townsperson #3
- Trudy
- Wicked Witch
- Woman
- Woodsman
- Zizzy Zoomer #3
- 'Alphabet Chat' director
- 1st Motorist
- AM Boy
- AM Girl
- Additional Monsters
- Additional Performers
- Aladdin
- Alphabeat
- Alphabet O'Malley
- Anything Muppet
- Assistant Director
- Attendant
- Baby Bear
- Baritone Elevator Singer
- Bearded Hippie
- Big Barney
- Big Bird
- Blue Mouse
- Blue Vocalist
- Boy (Green)
- Brother
- Brother ('Five People in My Family')
- Brown Wolf
- Bruce Rumpelstiltskin
- Bunny
- Caller #2
- Caterer
- Cave Mailman
- Caveboy
- Caveman
- Cheerleader
- City Mouse
- Cleaner
- Country Singer
- Country Vocalist
- Dark Green Grouch
- Dental Assistant
- Doc Holliday
- Doctor
- Dog
- Dr. Reinbrain
- Duck
- Dwarves
- Elaine
- Elmer
- Employment Agent
- Evil Prime Minister
- Fat Blue Guy
- Fat Blue Singer
- Fat Blue Tarnish Brother (Assistant)
- Fish
- Food Cart Vendor
- Fred
- Game Show Announcer
- Gas Station Man
- George's Father
- Girl (Reddish-Magenta)
- Golfer
- Green 'J Friends' Singer
- Green AM Cowboy
- Green Girl
- Green Grouch
- Green Muppet
- Green Normal-Voiced Subject
- Green P Lover
- Hare
- Harold
- Harold Pig
- Helen Happy
- Hot Dog Man
- Hot Pink Boy ('Alphabet Conversation')
- Inez
- Jeffery
- Keith Heartburn
- Lavender Big-Eared Subject
- Lavender Man
- Lead Cheerleader
- Little Boy
- Little Girl ('Lulu's Back in Town')
- Little Miss Muffett
- Live Hand Closer
- Lucy Jones
- Male Teacher
- Moe Busby
- Monster #1
- Monster #2
- Monsters
- Monsters Flanking Tony
- Mother
- Mumford's Announcer
- Mumford's Duck
- Muppet Kid
- Oscar the Grouch
- Pigs
- Pigs #1 and 3
- Pineapple
- Pumpkin Man
- Purple Boy
- Purple Vocalist
- Rabbit
- Round Monster
- Royal Subjects
- Rufus
- Rumplestiltskin
- Sally Screamer
- Shoemaker
- Shopkeeper
- Slimey
- Smilin' Jack
- Son #3
- Sour Bird
- Stage Manager
- Street Cleaner
- Taminella Grinderfall
- Teacher
- Telephone Repairman
- The Barber
- The Colonel Explorer
- The Count
- The King
- The Mailman
- The Old Woman who Lives in a Shoe
- The Shoemaker
- The Wicked Witch
- Thief #1
- Thin Green Monster
- Tortoise
- Train Engineer
- Various Monsters
- Villager
- Windy (Beautiful Day Monster)
- Wisecracking Ball
- Young Cowboy
- Zelda