David Martínez(VII)
- Camera and Electrical Department
- Casting Department
- Actor
David Martinez is a writer, filmmaker and political activist originally
from San Antonio, Texas, currently (2012) based in San Francisco,
California. His work is about everything from animated bird corpses to
Sudanese revolutionaries, but it usually involves radical politics and
social movements. He has worked as a videographer in Indonesia, Mexico,
Papua New Guinea, Darfur, and Iraq, where he filmed inside besieged
Fallujah in 2004. His movies have screened everywhere from small
community centers in the Midwest to film festivals in Europe. His
writing has been published in The San Francisco Bay Guardian, Filmmaker
Magazine, CounterPunch, CorpWatch, and Islam Online. He has worked in
documentary production with Hector Galan and Billy Nessen, feature film
production with directors Richard Linklater, John Sayles, and Jimmy
Mendiola, and worked as an actor in the film Waking Life, directed by
Linklater. Martinez holds an M.F.A. in Film and Video Production from
the University of Texas at Austin. He has also been employed as a
school teacher, social worker, bike messenger, and taxi driver.