Following the back-to-back success with the Blood & Honey duology in 2023 & 2024, Jagged Edge Productions has decided to take a stab at another fairy tale slasher with another icon of many childhoods and expand their Poohniverse world-building further! This time with a new terrifying take on Peter Pan!
Now after having impressed me previously with their last two installments, not to mention also really liking the trailer and it's new more psychological horror direction, I was pretty excited to see what they would do here! And while it's not quite as great as it's gore-soaked predecessors, I overall came out pretty satisfied! It's a fresh, dark, twisted, bloody, and VERY different take on the classic story!
Martin Portlock is AMAZING as Peter giving him a VERY sinister edge (akin to the Black Phone), effects were mostly practical and looked FANTASTIC, story was pretty fascinating with how it flipped the tale of Peter Pan COMPLETELY upside down, atmosphere was EXCELLENT and really helped sell the tone of (almost) unrelenting dread, two of the kills were INSANE and fulfills every gorehound's desire for bloodshed, pacing is mostly solid and moves at a consistent speed, final act is a TERRIFYING cat-&-mouse game, and the runtime is still PERFECT at under 90 minutes!
However like Pan himself it's got some cuts and bruises that're difficult to hide. Rest of the acting is not very good, human characters are REALLY boring, Wendy's a bland protagonist, besides the two I already mentioned earlier most of the kills are either off-screen or not nearly as satisfying as Blood & Honey's, writing and plot is a tad formulaic, ending feels a forced, and the rewatchability is a bit middling ESPECIALLY compared to Blood & Honey 2 due to it taking itself more serious rather than being self-aware.
Overall though I still really liked it! Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare is an uneven but satisfying ride into insanity and still has me more than onboard for the next Twisted Childhood Universe installment! May not match what came before, but still pretty damn good nevertheless!
Final Verdict: 7/10! Definitely worth a watch and a pretty good start to 2025 Horror Movies! 👍