This is a gloomy movie with a plain and simple diegesis; it's about that aimless(or at least pointless for some people) journey throughout the desert, embarked by a hopeless Australian girl named Robyn Davidson.
It was a really long walk toward the Indian ocean. You can get the tenor of the story when she faced problems and tolerated difficulties along the hardships within the time of the trek, and her painful misfortune of losing a close friend who was her pet. It is a predominantly psychological movie that deals with human mental health and emotion. Now I don't know the purpose of this arduous trip that she took on her own, but, apparently, she intended to isolate herself from people. If you want to know the reason behind it, you can read her book "Tracks" (which is the book this movie is based on) to find the answer; but either way, I am a believer in the Absurdism philosophy that indicates the absurdity of life, and that we set our own meaning for it to make it seem rational and motivating.
Life is not set of fixed rules; rather, it's like the clay, you mold it in whatever way you want; so as long as it matters to her, then... hot dog! If you have watched and liked "into the wild" movie, then I'm sure you will undoubtedly like this either.