It's good to watch because there is nothing forced or imposed in its script, the main story as a basis is well done and generates suspense in the search for your uncle, there are no tiring episodes or more of the same, on the contrary it becomes fun because it has funny moments , moments that are more on the serious side, and moments where there are a lot of feelings, and these mixes of situations that the series addresses are well balanced, because they are points that appear in the story and are well fitted with the script and its main base
The actors are characteristic in their characters, a good performance especially from Izellah Connelly, she is very talented and beautiful, a Inessa Tan e Alexa Curtis tambem, todo o elenco é bem interessate e muito bom, and an important point here is that the series has a very clear division of personality for each of them, and this makes it have moments interesting in the situations that appear, the conversations are very characteristic of each of them and their type of person, I found this very cool and placed.