The American version is cut by 9 minutes. Scenes omitted from the American version:
-In the Hong Kong version, we do not see Jackie's unit get double crossed right after the mission is over (The American edit shows the unit getting double crossed after the mission). When the mission is over, it immediately cuts to the CIA briefing room. The scene with the double cross is shown during a flashback.
- There are more scenes with Jackie and his time with the African tribe. These include:
- Jackie talks in Chinese most of the time (The American version shows him talking in English as the film was shot in English).
- A conversation with tribal child Baba about the sun and the moon in hopes of finding out what happened to him.
- A confrontation with Jackie and a lion after Jackie picks up one of the lion's cubs.
- A ceremony where Jackie is made a member of the tribe.
- Before he leaves his tribal friends to go journey to find out his true identity, he does a traditional tribal dance for them and they return the favor with a dance of their own.
-The road race which Jackie helps Yuki and her snakebitten brother win is longer in the Hong Kong version.
-Jackie and Yuki talk after the race where Jackie is finally able to speak clear and concise to her. He tells her he had a hard time speaking to her before because of the herbs he chewed to help neutalize her brother's snakebite numbed his mouth. Afterwards, they climb into Yuki's big rig and head for the hospital.
-Yuki tells Jackie at the hospital he can borrow her brother's suite while he is in the city.
-The power station explosion scene in the Hong Kong version is longer.
-Jackie's journey getting from the hotel suite to the hotel car is longer in the Hong Kong version.
-All instant replay scenes are omitted in the American version.