Here's something to check out if you're not too into the "Disneyfied" version of the classic Grimm brothers fairy tale. While the Disney adaptation wasn't free from dark and spooky elements itself, this one takes those elements and runs with them, all the way. It's definitely a Snow White for the adults in the family, presented as a 1990s update of a Hammer type Gothic horror film.
Monica Keena is Lilli Hoffman, a young woman whose mother died in childbirth (after a bad roadside accident). Her father Frederick (ever reliable Sam Neill) ultimately remarries, to the seemingly well meaning Lady Claudia (a vampy Sigourney Weaver). When the Lady miscarries the child that she would have born Frederick, she decides that Lilli, who never really warmed up to her, is responsible, and vows to destroy her. When the first attempt fails, Lilli is soon lost in the wilderness of the Black Forest, where she encounters a sextet of scruffy characters.
People should know right up front what they're getting into. Hell, it's right there in the title: this is NOT a movie for kiddies, with a decent amount of gore and the playing up of some sexual elements. It's appropriately moody, and gloomy, with vivid on location filming in the Czech Republic, a passable effort at emulating the period, and cinematography by Mike Southon that is wise to never, ever get too bright or colorful.
People familiar with the animated take on the tale will be amused to note the differences in this version. For one thing, among the seven "dwarves" is only one actual little person.
The acting is mostly sturdy. Keena is fairly appealing. Neill is good as always, and Gil Bellows gives his part of Will some depth. Brian Glover is fun as Lars, another of the seven forest dwellers. Sigourney takes the opportunity to do some welcome - and not exactly inappropriate - scenery chewing.
Atmospheric and darkly humorous at times, "Snow White: A Tale of Terror" should be interesting entertainment for horror fans.
Seven out of 10.