A Communist East German production from 1972, this has all the cramped yet lived-in interior spaceship shots, the hardware is a mix of what you see in low budget sci-fi films from a decade earlier, plus attempts at some futurism, as interpreted by Communist central Europeans from the early 70's- throw in a dash of LSD psychedelia and Gerry Anderson, and you get the picture.
One unique thing about Eolomea is how it juxtaposes and treats two story lines- one is the space mission and the other is a romance. Both are intriguing and play off the other, there are some very scenic flashbacks, it is a delicate touch between the two and they blend wonderfully. You have the nuts and bolts plot- some spaceships disappear, and 'ground control' has to sleuth to get to the bottom of the issue. This investigation is spearheaded by a lovely female scientist... who meets a jaded carefree yet cynical space pilot named Dan, they share some time together. In the end , Dan plays a pivotal role in the finale, one that is bittersweet and quite sad to watch ... yet you sense a playful ruefulness to the concluding action/ decision.
This is a thinking mans existential sci fi film, the theme of our aspiration to transcend our limits and the boundaries of knowledge is contrasted with the utter loneliness or even futility of the human dilemma, or, are all these things tied together? 6 + stars.