I'll let an intelligent human being see the film and make up their own mind, but for two salient points:
First, the "critics" and "reviewers"on IMDb without a doubt belong to the world of almost 100% left wingers of the entertainment industry. Trying to get an objective review of anything to do with Hillary from out and out libs is impossible. It doesn't matter that every hit Hillary takes has been supported in writing, in the dozens of books that are out showing what a disgrace she is, have never - not once - been sued for slander, misrepresentation, or false testimony. NOT ONCE. That they ducked out of Hillary's way in the WH was quoted by several WH employees in several books. Her vicious and foul language appears on page after page of literally dozens of books. And the lib reviewers here, like all libs, say that "allegations" are not true. If you are going to review a film based upon its fitting your political mode or not, you should recuse yourself. Sounds like the ultra-left wing Vanity Fair at work. Money talks.
Second, expecting an honest review free of personal political input from a person who is supposedly a viable, open, fair minded writer who supposedly has perspective in a movie such as this is about the same as American colleges today. The vast - well over 90% of American colleges and universities - are so far left that any student in them today fears to open his or her mouth with anything that smacks of center or god forbid Republican views. Since the faculties of most, if not all, of those institutions are out and out liberal democrats, the student who wants to get any sort of a recommendation for grad school learns not to open his or her mouth to challenge the overbearing liberal practice of teaching and putting down at every chance anything not liberal. For example, my alma mater (Bowdoin College) a couple years ago reported that 151 of the 156 faculty were liberals. It is pathetic to see reviewers do the same.
Don't be afraid to see the truth. The reason it is not as well known as it could be ("why haven't I heard this before?") is very simple. If you think the entertainment world is left wing, what do you think the media is?