As "Stopping the Steal" (2024 release; 90 min) opens, we are in Arizona, a key swing state in the 2020 presidential election, and the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, controlled by Republicans, are facing increased pressure to declare Trump the winner, even though he lost. At this point we are 10 minutes into the documentary.
Couple of comments: most critical in this documentary is that it is entirely seen and assessed from the Republicans' perspective. Not a single Democrat or independent voice is heard. Indeed, the remarkable thing is that the open and blatant attempt by Trump and his crew to throw out the will of the voters is thwarted primarily by... elected Republicans. We hear them time and again lamenting "we're simply doing our job". The documentary captures all the classis moments from election day to January 6, and to see it laid out so clearly is both chilling and horrifying. Of course we all know that Trump never has been, or is, or will be, a Republican. He simply hijacked the GOP for his own purposes and interests, and the GOP just let him do it. The timing of this documentary, released less than 2 months before the 2024 presidential election, is no coincidence of course. Already we see Trump cast doubt, every single day, that the election is "rigged". The fact that there is no evidence of that is of course nothing but a minor inconvenience, just like in 2020. It remains to be seen if our Republic can survive another open and blatant attempt to overthrow the will of the people...
"Stopping the Steal" started streaming on Max 10 days ago, and I finally found the time to watch it the other night. If you have any interest in politics, I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion.