As brother of a darker color, I'm glad that it's not just another slave movie or, another rise from struggle movie and or just the stereotypical movie that's suppose to appeal to me. I've seen em all and I'm all over those movies.
This movie wasn't really for me either. But I watched it. Didn't help me or improve my life in any way. But I appreciate the fact that something different was presented. It's too vulgar and way too out of touch for me and I couldn't sit down and watch this with my preteen son. I know he probably speak like a lot of the kids in this video when I'm not around, but if I ever found out, It would be a problem. I couldn't promote the behavior, disrespect and language that a lot those kids displayed. It definitely screams FATHERLESS. Also grownups carrying on as they did is insane. Speaking and acting like that in the presence of those kids, right on. It definitely screams FATHERLESS.
You do what you will with your kids and I'll do the same with mine. That's exactly why this movie is reminding that I'm getting old.