Storytelling about one of the most indespicable serial killer of our generation, if not say history. Its a well known ''fairytail'' for seasoned true crime tv enthusiasts, but this tubi production really adds some more aspects to the riddle of gary ridgeway, ''the green river killer''.
To newbies to this story there are loads of material about this man on the net, in books and in motion pictures, but this edition of his crimelife gives you a comphrehensive start. Just have in mind that this is true crimes that have really happened.
Everytime i, the grumpy old man, hear about the green river killer, my stomac turns upside down and a big lump of angst fills my chest, and i live 12000 km from the crimespots, therefore save a little prayer to the victims and their families, actually they are the main cast in every documentary made on the case.. may they all rest in peace.