"The Night Agent" has a fantastic start to the show that manages to encorporate action and emotion that holds the weight to it. I also like how this episode sets up for the rest of the series, so let's dive into the review.
Rose is very well introduced, she and her family have a bond and then something seems to be off, 2 mysterious figures seem to be roaming around outside. After a few mysterious events happen in Pete and Roses lives, that tees up the rest of the series brilliantly. Rose has a good start because some people can relate to her, whilst also feeling bad about what's happened to the character. The sense of mystery and drama is also beautifully weaved into the bit where Rose is scared and frightened.
Pete also has a backstory and that makes it interesting as both characters get to bounce of each other very well. He seems to know what his father was up to, but everyone else tells a different side to the story, so this part is a good plot-point for the rest of the series which is what makes this episode like Beans on Toast, it's just very well thought-out.
I think the episode does a good job of introducing the bad guys and who will be the good guys. The lengths both sides go in makes it fascinating and intense, it's so intense you might wanna put your Tea down so it doesn't spill. The Intense atmosphere holds up and stands on two feet whilst also sharing some of the thrills and more action-packed moments. The run time does a good of that, because the slower moments feel earned whilst incorporating some intense and atmospheric moments that makes the pacing of this episode enjoyable and well-paced.
I'd give it an 8 because the world building is great, and the pacing of the story is also nicely done. It's certainly my Cup of Tea!