Though it's been 4 years after the movie released, it's a delight write a review on this movie. In real life, various human relationships are weighed, analyzed and misinterpreted to dishonor its values and discolor its beauty for personal interests. This is an intelligent and collective effort to beautifully feel the ideal Indian mannerisms and relationship values as in a beautiful dream; not only the romantic relationship between a boy and a girl but with families, parents, children, siblings, in-laws etc.
Intelligent and effort-full scripting, excellent scene blended music/songs and profound insights in making those so called 'silly' moments of life beautifully. There were some scenes felt like could have been done better, but none of them stayed on top till the end of the movie. Though this movie has an old fashioned narration, repetitive camera movements, and evident studio backgrounds, altogether it wonderfully delivers a triangular chemistry between three environments; the girl, the boy and the audience. Sooraj, your commendable vision and patience to make 'vivah' points out that this won't be the last and your best of all the time! Eagerly waiting for another wonderful and better cinematic experience! :)