A quiet, wonderful film that sucks you in. Great script based on Emma Donaghue's work.
The viewer gets involved in what's transpiring on screen. He/she waits for the ending with great anticipation not knowing exactly how it will unfold which makes this an engaging psychological thriller as well. It's directed excellently by Sebastian Lelio.
The story takes place about a decade after the Great Famine in Ireland where its population was decimated. This context informs the story and it gives the film its milieu: a people emerging from untold suffering. And it explains the religious fervor of the survivors.
One can understand the motivation of the O'Donnell family for their actions. All the actors brilliantly give flesh to the urgency of their situation. In particular, Florence Pugh gives a tour de force performance. Such a nuanced performance. If you admired her in "Don't Worry Darling," she's far better here. And Kila Lord Cassidy is unequivocally talented for such a young girl. Perhaps, the fact that the actor who plays Rosaleen is her mother in real life inspired her to turn in a riveting performance as Ann.
One draws many lessons here. Can faith misguide a person in an extreme way?