Bolstered up by great settings the series is easy to watch but not very demanding. What really annoys me is the obvious lack of research that has gone into the background of the story lines. Its as if the writer has based the plots on two premises, 1. the average watcher is too young to know the facts used are incorrect and 2. the facts don't matter as the whole thing is just a posh version of east enders anyway.
It was clear from the start that reality was out the window (windows that are not bomb shatter proofed I might add) when the mistress of Lord who owns the hotel sat in on a mega secret political/economic meeting and pretty much took over the meeting. Not in unenlightened 1940 she wouldn't have,she would have been lucky to have been seen in public let alone at any meeting other than the women's guild.
It kind of went down from there ,the young lord who inherits the hotel takes every other day off from his fighter squadron to spend the day in bed with his girlfriend at the hotel,well Im sure his mates can handle the German air force. Oh and by the way ,his squadron seems to be made up of pilots from all over the world, one from the Indian sub continent and one from Poland at least, not in a British RAF squadron in 1940 they wouldn't be. The staff officer prejudice at the time meant that even experienced Polish fighter pilots were kept in there own squadron at Northolt and not allowed to engage in fire fights until they took the law into their own hands and proved they could do it What happened to the careful research that used to go into this type of show,how can you relate to a series set in an important historical era when the background is fantasy. It reached the bottom rung last week when four times the hotel staff wished departing guests a safe flight home to the USA. Just how were they going to do that,there were NO passenger flights to the USA at that time!! Even American planes destined for use by the RAF were sent by ship in crates until about 1941.There was only one passenger service prior to 1946 and that was a sea plane from Southampton to New York and that was closed in 1939
Id like to sit back and let the series roll over me as I took a passing interest in it but now I find myself looking for the next glaring mistake, its a pity really as some of the above mistakes would have made good story lines if portrayed correctly