Tress MacNeille
- फिल्म कलाकार
- संगीत विभाग
- लेखक
Tress MacNeille का जन्म 20 जून 1951 को हुआ था।Tress MacNeille एक अभिनेत्री और लेखक हैं, जो एनिमेनियाक्स (1993), Futurama (1999) और The Simpsons Movie (2007) के लिए मशहूर हैं।
टीवी सीरीज़
- Dot Warner
- Additional Voices
- Hello Nurse
- Mindy's Mom
- Marita Hippo
- Miss Flamiel
- Mary Hartless
- Frau Hassenfeffer
- Kiki
- Ms. Hoffelmeyer
- Sasha
- Gina Embryo
- Witch Hazel
- Babs Bunny
- Baby Jane
- Barbara Walters
- Barbra Streisand
- Bea Arthur
- Billie
- Blanche Sewer
- Bumper
- Cher
- Cleopatra
- Dolly Parton
- Duanne Sewer
- Edith
- Eve
- Evil Queen
- Female Censor
- Frau Hassenpfeffer
- Gery Bilchmoytner
- Glinda
- Googi's Grandma
- Googi's Mom
- Gretel
- Jan
- Jenny Jones
- Joanne
- Julie Andrews
- Katey Cupcake
- Kim Boggs
- Lamb Chop
- Little Girl
- Mabelloota 'Ma' McCoy
- Madame Bruntwind
- Madonna
- Magic Harp
- Mama
- Marilyn Monroe
- Mary Poppins
- Medusa
- Michelle Pfeiffer
- Miss Funnymoney
- Miss Hennypenny
- Monica Geller
- Mother Superior
- Mrs. Munk
- Mrs. Peterson
- Ms. Butley
- Myra Puntridge
- Old Pig
- Page Sister #1
- Peg Boggs
- Peyton Flanders
- Pinocchio
- Pixie
- Princess
- Princess Anne
- Princess of Props #1
- Prunela Flundergust
- Queen Elizabeth II
- Queen of Hearts
- Reeva
- Reporter
- Reporter #3
- Rich Woman
- Rita's Owner
- Robin Robin
- Rude Woman
- Sabina
- Sandra Bullock
- Shari Lewis
- Stage Actress
- Stagehand
- Starlet
- Statue of Liberty
- Survey Lady #1
- Suzanne Slimmers
- Tippi Hedren
- Trudy
- Uhura
- Vina Walleen (Bumbie's Mom)
- Viza Mizzeli
- Whoopi Goldberg
- Young Slappy
- Zombies(वॉइस)
टीवी सीरीज़
- Linda
- Petunia
- Mom
- Hattie McDoogal
- Tinny Tim
- Turanga Munda
- Additional Voices
- Monique
- Dr. Cahill
- Vyolet
- Esther
- Mrs. Astor
- Mrs. Fry
- Nd-Nd
- Ndnd
- Teen Robot
- Hattie MacDoogal
- Leela's Grandmother
- Craterface
- Mother
- The Grand Midwife
- Tour Guide
- Woman
- Amazonian
- Blek's Wife
- Boy
- Bret Blob
- Computer
- Executive Gamma
- Female Announcer
- Fembots
- Fiona
- Glab
- Guenter
- Gypsy-bot
- Joan Rivers' Head
- Leela's Wrist Thingy
- Linda the Newsanchor
- Lulubelle 7
- Nurse Ratchet
- Rose Mary
- Scientist #1
- Slurm Queen
- Teller
- Waitress
- 7^11 Clerk
- Admirella
- Advertisement
- Airport Announcer
- Aki
- Alarm Clock
- Albert
- Amazon Woman
- Amazonians
- Andrew
- Angry Mom
- Angus #3
- Animatronic Gopher #1
- Answering Message
- Awards Announcer
- Babe
- Bella
- Bernella
- Biff's Girlfriend
- Big Bertha
- Blonde Girl
- Breakdancing fan
- Bride
- Broken Bot #2
- Build-a-Bot Leela
- Bureaucrascan
- Butch
- CIA Voice
- Cameron Diaz
- Candy
- Casting Agent
- Centaurette
- Centipede Alien's Wife
- Chief O'Manahan
- Child at Recital
- Child at UN
- Children at Party
- Commercial Announcer
- Cosmetologist
- Countess De La Roca
- Countess von Luftballon
- Crowd
- Daisy
- Daisy-May 128K
- Darlene
- Darth Sploder
- Decapodian Woman
- Documentary Narrator
- Dorm Girls
- Dr. Widnar
- Edna
- Emotitron Jr.
- Execubot Gamma
- Fake 18-Year-Olds
- Fanny
- Farnsworth's Girlfriend
- Female Bureaucrat
- Female CDC Scientist
- Female Martian Native
- Female Robot Ghost
- Female Robot at Human Hunt
- Female Thurbanian
- Fembot
- Finger
- Fishy Joe's Automated Voice
- Five-Eyed Woman
- Forbidden Planet Hollywood Employee
- Fortune Teller Bot
- Fortune Teller Robot
- Funbag Jingle
- Future Crimes Interface
- GeneWorks Woman
- Gladys Lennox
- Gwen
- Gypsy-Bot
- Habitat Alien #3
- Hattie
- Hippie #1
- Hookerbot 5000
- Housewife of Sim City
- IBM Deep Blue
- Intercom Robot
- Intercom Voice
- Invasa
- Invitation Voice #2
- Jenny McNeal
- Jezabel
- Kid #2
- Kug
- Lady Buggle
- Lady with Purse
- Ladybot
- Leela Actress
- Leela's Phone
- Lisa
- Little Boy
- Little Girl
- Louisa
- Lynn
- Macaulay Culckon
- Madame Ambassador
- Madeline Albright's Head
- Madeline Albright-bot
- Malachi's Wife
- Mandy
- Martha Stewart's Head
- Mavis
- Mayor's Aide
- Mayor's Date
- Melllvar's Mother
- Mildred
- Miss Delilah
- Molton Boron Singer
- Mombot
- Mother at Recital
- Mother in Car
- Mother in Commercial
- Mrs. Everyteen
- Mrs. Kroker
- Mrs. Mellonger
- Mrs. Tucker
- Museum Guide #2
- Mutant Nurse
- Myrtle Fu
- Neptunian Woman
- Nerdbot
- Nicole Kidman's Head
- Nurse
- Old Woman
- Paparazza
- Party Guest #2
- Phoebe
- Phone Operator
- Planet Express Computer
- Premula
- Princess Flavia
- Processor
- Protester
- Qing Airee
- Queen of Yonkers
- Ratman's Girlfriend
- Red Elder
- Robot Actress
- Robot Eskimo
- Robot Gypsy
- Robot Hooker
- Robot Lap Dancer
- Robot Nurse
- Robot Stripper
- Robot at Cinema
- Robot at Funeral
- Robot in Jury #2
- Rosemary
- Rosie the Robot Maid
- Runner
- Ruth
- Saleswoman
- Sam
- Sandra Day O'Connor's Head
- Sandy
- Satellite Dish
- Sea Monkeys Advertisement
- Sensitivity Training Chip
- Sensitivity Training Robot
- Ship's Computer
- Singing Bee
- Skinless Robo-Leela
- Slut
- Smiri
- Spa 5 Leader
- Spam Bot
- Speak-N-Say
- Speaker Voice
- Squire
- Suicide Booth
- Surveillance Camera
- Suz Johnson
- Swamp Hag
- TV Mom
- Talia Thinsen's Head
- Teacher
- Tennant with Cell Phone
- Thallium Analyzer
- The Honorable Judge 802
- The Little Prince
- The Petite Warbler
- The Queen
- The Queen of Yonkers
- Timmy's Mother
- Tiny Tim
- Tom Sawyer
- Torgo's Spokeswoman
- Toy Salesman
- Trash Can
- Tress LaMarche
- Truck
- Turanaga Munda
- Vincian Girl
- Wanda
- Washbucket
- Welcome Voice
- Wendy
- Who-Ask Machine
- Woman #1
- Woman on PA
- Women in Crowd
- Wristlo-jackomater
- Yancy Fry, Jr.'s Wife
- Year 5 Million Female
- Year Fifty Million Woman #1
- Year Fifty Million Woman #2
- Zindy
- Zoidberg's Aunt
- Booberella
- Sweet Old Lady
- Colin
- Agnes Skinner
- Nelson's Mother
- Pig
- Crazy Cat Lady
- Female EPA Worker
- G.P.S. Woman
- Cookie Kwan
- Lindsey Naegle
- TV Son
- Medicine Woman
- Girl on Phone(वॉइस)
टीवी सीरीज़
- Agnes Skinner
- Dolph
- Various
- Crazy Cat Lady
- Lindsey Naegle
- Mrs. Muntz
- Brandine
- Brandine Spuckler
- Dolph Starbeam
- Bernice Hibbert
- Cookie Kwan
- Shauna Chalmers
- Lunchlady Doris
- Nurse
- Various Kids
- Lindsay Naegle
- Manjula
- Dubya Spuckler
- Lunchlady Dora
- Shauna
- Lewis
- Mrs. Glick
- Woman
- Dolph Shapiro
- Jimbo Jones
- Miss Springfield
- Various People
- Waitress
- Cora
- Mrs. Vanderbilt
- Myra
- Old Lady
- Socialite
- Booberella
- Boy
- Brunella Pommelhorst
- Crowd Members
- Lady
- Lindsey Neagle
- Plopper
- Tour Guide
- Whitney Spuckler
- Additional Voices
- Amazon Alexa
- Brandine Del Roy
- Children
- Cosine
- Kumiko
- Librarian
- Lindsay Neagle
- Little Boy
- Martha
- Maya
- Mother
- Opal
- Poor Violet
- Teacher
- Witch
- Actress
- Aide
- Airport Announcer
- Alexa
- Alice Glick
- Animal Shelter Worker
- Baseball Player
- Brenda
- Caitlin
- Camera Lady
- Child Crowd
- Churchgoer
- Cienega
- Clara
- Eleanor Abernathy
- Evelyn Trunch
- Female Doctor
- Gino Terwilliger
- Girl
- Girl #1
- Gov. Mary Bailey
- Gypsy
- Inga
- Jeremy
- Judy
- Justin
- Kenny
- Krusty's Agent
- Kumiko Nakamura
- Laney Fontaine
- Linda
- Lucy
- Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon
- Martha Prince
- Medicine Woman
- Mom
- Mrs. Burns
- Ms. Albright
- News Reporter
- Noah's Mother
- Old Woman
- Operator
- Paper Boy
- Parade Commentator
- Pigs
- Producer
- Queen Elizabeth II
- Receptionist
- Retirement Castle Nurse
- Saleswoman
- Sam Monroe
- Sandra
- Siri
- TV Executive
- Terri
- Therapist
- Tina
- Tyler
- Virgin Mary
- Wife
- Woman #2
- Woman on Street
- Woman with Baby
- "No, One!"
- 'Diversity Tales' Narrator
- 'I can't wait!'
- 'Men'
- 'Omigod, this family is undecided, undecided!'
- 'Padz' Announcer
- 'Poetry slam!'
- 'Unattended Baggage!'
- 'We're all gonna be rich!'
- 2nd Girl in Cafeteria
- 2nd Parrot
- 3 of Diamonds
- 5th Grader Erik
- 83 Yugo
- 911 Operator
- AI Voice
- Abraham Simpson's Girlfriend
- Accountant
- Acrobat
- Activation Lady
- Adil Hoxha
- Adjudicator #2
- Adriatica Veljohnson
- Adult Maggie Simpson
- Affluence Acre Children
- Agent #2
- Airline Announcer
- Airline Ticket Agent
- Alabama Boy
- Alex
- Alien #2
- Alien Peggy
- All-You-Can-Eat Salad Bar
- Alleycat Deeley
- Allison Taylor
- Amber
- Amelia Vanderbuckle
- American Idol contestant
- Amy
- Amy Levine Gonzalez
- Anaesthetist
- Angela Dare
- Angela Merkel
- Angelica
- Angry Crowd
- Anita Erik's Mom aka Cool Mom
- Ann Landers
- Anne Blackburn
- Anne Boleyn
- Annette the Squishee Lady
- Announcer
- Announcer #2
- Anonymous Children
- Anonymous Voice Dubber
- Anoop Nahasapeemapetilon
- Anthem Singer
- Appraiser
- Appreciative Nurse #1
- Apu's Mother
- Aristocrat
- Art Teacher
- Ash Ketchum
- Asian Woman
- Astronaut
- Audience
- Audience Member
- Audio Ladies
- Audition Lady
- Audrey McConnell
- Aunt Gladys
- Auntie Ovenfresh
- Austin
- Babies
- Baby Einstein Voice
- Baby Ghost
- Baby-proofer
- Bacardi Girl
- Bad Girl #1
- Bad Halloween Candy Lady
- Bailiff
- Ballerina
- Balloon Lady
- Barbara
- Barbara Bush
- Barber
- Barley Boy
- Barnard Sister
- Bart's Boston Teacher
- Bart's Imaginary Girlfriend
- Bashir
- Batter
- Bearded Lady
- Beatrice
- Beautician
- Belle
- Ben Heathbar
- Best Western Union Lady
- Betsy Bidwell
- Betsy Ross
- Betty
- Bigger Brothers Commercial Child
- Bigger Brothers Employee
- Billets Paris Voice
- Bird
- Black Cyclist
- Black Lady
- Black Woman
- Blazing Guy Announcer
- Blocko Employee
- Blonde Woman in Book Club
- Bo Derek
- Boat Salesman's Wife
- Bodhi
- Bonnie Actor
- Booing Crowd
- Booing people
- Book Seller
- Bookmobile Woman
- Boy At Book Store
- Boy At Playground
- Boy Looking In Horoscope
- Boy With Shades
- Boy at Beach
- Boy in Blockoland Commercial
- Boy on Ride
- Boy with braces
- Bran Producer #2
- Brandine Delroy
- Breastfeeding Mother
- Brenda Weingarten
- Bride
- British Woman
- Bronson Lady
- Brown-Haired Cadet
- Brunhilda
- Bryn Mawr Sister
- Buck-Toothed Boy
- Buck-toothed boy
- Bumper Car Victim
- Bushwell
- Businesswoman
- C.J.
- C.R.I.E. Woman
- Calgary Lames Team Member
- Calypso Self-Knowledge
- Cameron
- Campsite Worker
- Canadian Teacher
- Candy Cane
- Capital City Dream Tour Guide #2
- Captain Horatio McCallister's Wife
- Car Radio Newsman #2
- Carjacker
- Carl's Sister
- Carla Bruni-Sarkozy
- Carol Jones
- Carolyn
- Cashier
- Cassandra Patters
- Cat 815
- Cathy
- Cathy from Personnel
- Centrefold
- Channel 3 Reporter
- Charo
- Chat Show Host
- Cheering Children
- Cheering Crowd
- Cheering croud
- Child
- Child #2
- Child Audience Members
- Child Under Trap Door
- Children Crowd
- Chinese Choir
- Chinese Woman Assassin
- Chloe
- Choking Woman
- Cholera Woman
- Christmas Choir Singer
- Chugging Ladies
- Circe
- Clara Peller
- Clarice Dremond
- Clarinet Player #1
- Cleo
- Clerk
- Cletus's Son
- Coffee Shop Manager
- Colleen
- Comedy Club Crowd
- Comic Book Lady
- Commercial Girl at Beach
- Commissioner
- Committe Chairwoman
- Continuity Woman
- Cookie Kwan's Baby
- Cool Kid
- Couch
- Countdown P.A.
- Court Attorney Woman
- Crabs
- Creative Arts Emmys Presenter
- Creepy Little Girl
- Cregg Demon's Son
- Crowd
- Cuban Airport Woman
- Cuban Vendor Boy
- Cuddle Kitten NFT Leader
- Customers
- Cybill Shepherd
- Cyclist
- Cyrus' Wives
- DMV Worker
- Dalia Brinkley
- Dame Judith Onderdonk
- Daphne Beaumont
- Davey
- David
- Dean
- Debbie Pinson
- Debby
- Debutante's Mother
- Delivery Woman
- Dentist #1
- Devon
- Dia-Betty
- Diabetty
- Diana
- Diane (Network Executive)
- Dieter Wolfcastle
- Dinosaur Trainer
- Disgusted Lady
- Divorce Bureau Woman
- Don's Secretary
- Doreen
- Dottie
- Dowager
- Dowager Grandmom
- Dr. Dorothea Chaplet
- Dr. Hibbert's Assistant
- Dr. Hibbert's Au Pair
- Dr. Hibbert's Daughter
- Dr. Kidzrule
- Dr. Simpson
- Dr. Spivak's Mother
- Dr. Wexler
- Driver
- Drunk Girl
- Duff Girl #2
- Elderly Woman
- Elementary Boy
- Elevator Voice
- Elin Degenerous
- Eliza Commonbottom
- Elmo
- Eloise
- Emily
- Emma's Grandmother
- Energizer Bunny
- Environmental Lawyer Simpson
- Eric
- Esme Delacroix
- Esther
- Ethiopian Waitress
- Ethnic Woman
- Eunice
- Evelyn
- Evelyn Peters
- Evil Queen
- Exec
- FBI Agency
- FBI Lady
- Face Mask Specialist
- Facial Recognition Interface
- Fairy Queen
- Fan #1
- Fan #1's Mother
- Fan #3
- Fan Boy Of Bart
- Fat Tony's Date
- Fat Tony's Wife
- Fausto's girlfriend
- Fe-Mail Man
- Female Activists
- Female Angel
- Female Announcer
- Female Audience Member
- Female Baker
- Female Bodybuilders
- Female Cab Driver
- Female Cartoonist
- Female Circuit Circus Employee
- Female Driver
- Female Elders
- Female Hostess
- Female Interviewer
- Female J.J Abrams Workers
- Female Narrator
- Female Portland Audience Member
- Female Prison Guard
- Female Robot
- Female Student
- Female passenger
- Film Agent Officer
- Film Studio Employee #1
- First Old Lady
- Fish
- Fizix
- Flight Attendance #1
- Flight Attendant
- Flight Attendent
- Flight Attendent #1
- Football Singer
- Fox Executive
- Fox Phone Operator
- Foxy Lady
- Francine's Mom
- French Femme Fatale Charcoal Briquette
- Future Phone Lady
- GPS Woman Voice
- Gail
- GameStation 252
- Gangster Bosses Mother
- Gary the Unicorn
- Gavin
- German Woman
- Gertie
- Gheet
- Ginger
- Ginormous Pictures Studio Chief #1
- Girl #3
- Girl In Beauty Movie
- Girl On Bus
- Girl at Party
- Girl at Prison
- Girl from 'The Survival Games'
- Girl from 'Yo-Yo and the Cloud Palace'
- Girl in Commercial
- Girl in Store #2
- Girl in pool #1
- Girlfriends
- Gitmo Spuckler
- Glasses Voice
- Glee Club Singers
- Gloria Allred
- Golfers
- Grandma
- Grandma Van Houten
- Grandma in Horror Movie
- Granny Clampett
- Great-Grandma Simpson
- Greta Wolfcastle
- Gretchen
- Guard #1
- Guinea Pig Sanctuary Worker
- Guinness Tour Guide
- Gwen
- Gwen the waitress
- H.K. Duff's Assistant
- Hadley Richardson
- Hansel
- Harry Potter
- Harvard University Fundraising Lady
- Hazel
- Headless Malibu Stacy
- Health Department #2
- Hear Me Roar TV personality
- Heaven Narrator
- Heavy Black Woman
- Heavy Set Woman At Club
- Helen
- Helen Mirren
- Helen Thomas
- Helga
- Heloise Hodgeson Burwell
- Henrietta Kitten
- Henry's Wife
- Herstory Narrator
- Hillary Clinton
- Hippie #1
- Hippie Chick #1
- Hippie Chick #2
- Hippy Duffman Singers
- Hobow Tv Executive
- Holly Hippie
- Homer Fan #3
- Homer's cousin's wife
- Hotel Condo Employee
- Hotel Receptionist
- Hotel Staff #1
- Housekeeper
- Hubert Wong
- Humbleton Woman
- I Don't Like Anything Woman
- Imaginative Talking Sink
- Injured Prisoner
- Inmate #1
- Inmate #2
- Institute Council Member
- Instrumental Crowd
- Insurance Broker
- Intercom Nurse
- Interviewing Crowd
- Iraqi Woman
- Irene Ryan
- Irish Mother
- Irish Pregnant Woman
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome Support Group Woman
- Italian Woman
- J.T. Winchester
- Jackington
- Jamaican Woman Singing Itchy and Scratchy Theme Song
- Jane Seymour
- Japanese Friend #2
- Japanese Woman
- Jennifer Aniston
- Jenny
- Jenny At Barbershop
- Jenny McCarthy
- Jewish Kitten
- Jill St. John
- Jimi Hendrix's Agent
- Jitterbug Call Center Voice
- Joan Didion
- Joan Rivers
- Jonah
- Joyce
- Judge
- Judge #1
- Judi Dench
- Judy Dench
- Juliana Krellner
- Julie-X
- Julius Hibbert's Daughter
- Jump Rope Girl #1
- June Bellamy
- Juno
- KBLY Radio Announcer
- Kaitlyn
- Kamela
- Karen
- Kathy
- Kathy Ireland
- Katie Anderson
- Katja
- Keggy
- Keith's Wife
- Kid #2 in 'Soccer Mummy'
- Kid #3
- Kid Greeting Bart
- Kid Zone Elite Employee
- Kids
- Kids TV Hostess
- Kiki Highsmith
- Kim
- Knockers Waitress
- Krista
- Krusty Burger Worker
- Krusty the Clown Writer #1
- Krusty's Agent #1
- L.A. Body Works Woman
- Lacey Van Aster
- Lactose Intolerant Boy
- Lady Android
- Lady Bitington
- Lady Itchy
- Lady Worker
- Lady in Audience
- Lady on Fire
- LadyBot
- Lamb
- Latin Representative
- Laughing Crowd
- Laughing Girls
- Laughing Witch Attration
- Lawyer #2
- Lenny's Sister
- Leo's Wife
- Lesbian
- Lifetime Films Announcer
- Lighthouse Owner's Mother
- Lillian Hellman
- Linda van Schoonhoven
- Lindsey Naegle Homer
- Lisa's Friend #2
- Lisa's Friend #3
- Lisa's Student #2
- Little Bo Peep
- Little Boy in Commercial
- Little Debbie Dimples
- Little Girl Judge
- Little Girl in Royal Cruise Commercail
- Loan Officer
- Lolo the Gorilla Announcer
- Louie's Aunt
- Luigi's Mother
- Lyla
- Mabel
- Mad Magazine Secretary
- Madam
- Madison
- Madison McKenna
- Maid #2
- Majula
- Malibu Stacy
- Mall Train Employee Woman
- Mama
- Mama Celeste
- Mama Risotto
- Mandy
- Manicure Woman
- Mapple Woman Employer
- Mapple Woman Voice
- Marge's Inmate Roommate #1
- Maria
- Martha the Librarian
- Martin's Grandmother
- Mary
- Mary Anne
- Mary Hart
- Mary Sue
- Maureen Wegman
- Max's Widow
- Maya Angelou
- Mayor Quimby's Mother
- Meal Train
- Megan
- Melina Costington
- Melvis Spuckler
- Mental Doctor
- Meredith Milgram
- Mermaid
- Michael D'Amico
- Michiko
- Middle Schooler #1
- Middle Schooler #4
- Mildred
- Miles Wife
- Milhouse's Double
- Milhouse's Nana
- Milly
- Mimi
- Mindy
- Miranda
- Miss Pommelhorst
- Miss Viola
- Miss Wyoming
- Missy LeBon
- Model #1
- Moe's Date
- Moira
- Mom #1
- Mom At Museum
- Mom Squad
- Mom at the Mall
- Mom of Tomorrow
- Monarno Research Woman
- Monica
- Monster Kid
- Monster Teacher
- Mopey Mary
- Mother At Farm
- Mother Bear
- Mother Goose
- Mother Superior
- Mother Translator
- MotherBot
- Movie Lady
- Movie Woman
- Moving On Worker
- Mr. Shadowski's Son
- Mrs Muntz
- Mrs. Babcock
- Mrs. Bloominstein
- Mrs. Bunyan
- Mrs. Chase
- Mrs. Demarius
- Mrs. Dexter's Son
- Mrs. Fornby
- Mrs. Gumble
- Mrs. McLellan Employee
- Mrs. Ortner
- Mrs. Pommelhorst
- Mrs. Potts
- Mrs. Quimby
- Mrs. Risotto
- Mrs. Simpson
- Mrs. Witherball
- Mrs.Hobbes
- Mrs.Muntz
- Ms. Clark
- Ms. Dubinsky
- Ms. Frizzle
- Ms. Marshell
- Ms. York
- Mugger's Girlfriend
- My Baby! Woman
- Myles
- Nana
- Nancy Drew
- Native American #3
- Ndnd
- Ned Flanders' Scream
- Nelson's Mom
- Nelson's Mother
- Nerdy Teen
- Network Lady
- New York Style! Woman
- Nigel's wife
- Noah
- Nom-Noms 6 Producer #1
- Nookie Kwan
- Nun
- Nurse #1
- Nutritionist
- Oktober Fest Bartender
- Old Italian Woman
- Old Jewish Man's Late Wife Voice
- Old Jewish Woman
- Old Lady Waiting For Bus
- Old Lady in Baby-So-Fresh Commercial
- Old Lady in Commercial
- Old Nun
- Old Timey Newsboy
- Old Woman At Retirement Home
- Old Woman From Retirement Home
- Old Women
- Olive
- Omni Lady
- Oompa-Loompa
- Optometrist
- Orderly
- Orion Hughes Fan #2
- Orphan
- Orphan Children
- Orphanage Woman
- Ostrich Ranch Owner
- Others
- Owner
- P.E. Teacher
- P.F. Thongs Lady
- Paris Texan
- Party Girl
- Party Guest Member #1
- PartyLine Voice
- Paula Paul
- Peggy Bundy
- People at Therapy
- Pepi
- Person Ordering Food's Wife
- Pharmacist #2
- Philippa
- Phillips
- Phone Lady
- Phone Voice
- Photographer
- Phyllis Diller
- Physiotherapist
- Piano Lady
- Pie Woman
- Pig-Pen Boy
- Pita
- Plaintiff
- Power Plant System
- Prince Christian
- Princess Diana
- Princess Tempura
- Princess Wilhemedia of Prussia
- Prisoners
- Producer #2
- Professor Hessler
- Psychologist
- Psychologist #3
- Public Domain Debbie
- Pudding Waitress
- Quenley
- Quoter
- Random Childon
- Random Female Prison Inmate
- Rapunzel
- Razzle Dazzle's Pizza-Tainment Palace Children
- Real Estate Agent #2
- Real Housewife #2
- Record Producer's Son
- Red Dragon
- Remedial Class Teacher
- Renata
- Reporter
- Reporter #3
- Republican Official
- Rest Detector
- Retirement Castle nurse
- Revival Announcer
- Richie Rich
- Rick
- Robin Hannah
- Robot
- Rocket J. Squirrel
- Rome-O
- Ronaldo
- Rosie
- Rosie O'Donnell
- Rottweiler
- Running Crowd
- Russian General's Mistress
- S.C.A.M.S Counciler
- Sally May Robots
- Sandee
- Sandra's Friend
- Sarah
- Sassy Black Woman
- Scarlett O'Hara
- School Psychologist
- School Receptionist
- Science and Technology Woman
- Scientist #1
- Scientist #2
- Scottish Nurse
- Screaming Woman
- Screaming Women
- Sea Hugger #2
- Sepulveda
- Sergeant Crew
- Sheila Chow
- Shelby
- Sheriff
- Sherri
- Shopping Channel woman
- Shoquelle
- Singing Kid
- Singing Spucklers
- Sister Thomasina
- Sisters
- Slimu Host
- Social Media Lady
- Soft News Reporter
- Solar
- Son
- Sondra
- Sophie's Mom
- Spam Caller
- Speed Dating Woman
- Sports Awards Announcer
- Springfield Shopper Receptionist
- Springfield Zoo Director
- Spud
- Squid Alien
- Stacey Deathsatan
- Stacy
- Starla
- Starr
- Starving Paris Vogue Fashion Girls
- Steak Cake or Fake Contestant
- Stephanie
- Stewardess #2
- Store Cafe Employee
- Store Cashier
- Store Cashier # 2
- Store Cashier #1
- Store Cashier Clark
- Store Owner
- Strawberry
- Stripper #1
- Student
- Students
- Stuff-N-Hug Worker
- Substitute Teacher
- Suicide Hotline Voice
- Sun-Moon
- Sweet elderly lady
- Sweetso
- Swimming Instructor
- Swiss Representative
- Sylvia
- T-Rex's Friend
- T.R. Francis
- TV
- TV Mother
- TV Screamer
- TV Woman Announcer
- Taxidermy Reviewer
- Tea House Waitress
- Teen
- Teen #2
- Teen #4
- Teenage Girl At School
- Teenager girl
- Teenagers
- Telephone Operator
- The Amazing Place Producer
- The Answer Narrator
- The Great British Boiling Show Co-Host
- The Mummy's Wife
- The Playground Ghost
- The Timberlog Diner Lady
- The Wizard Twins
- Therapy Children
- Thicker Than Water Son
- Think God I'm Dead Lady
- Ticket Lady
- Tiffany
- Tintin
- Tipsy-Wheel Woman
- Titi
- Tootsie Chiles
- Top Hat announcer #1
- Tortured People
- Tour Guide #2
- Tracey
- Train Announcer
- Tress MacNeille
- Tripod Spuckler
- Trudy
- Trudy Zengler
- Tumi
- Tunnelton Narrator
- Uhura
- Urchin
- Uter's Mom
- Valerie
- Vanessa Redgrave
- Various Cheerleader's
- Various Indian Women
- Various Old Women
- Various People At Resturant
- Various People at Ball
- Various Students
- Various Women
- Velma
- Verity Heathbar
- Vermont Woman
- Veronica
- Vicki Valentine
- Video Game Voice
- Video Matchmaking manager
- Viktor's Wife
- Violinist
- Voice on Computer
- Voice on Phone
- Voice on Radio
- Volleyball Players
- Voodoo Queen
- Voting Booth
- Waitress #1
- Waitress #3
- Wakkety Yak Hater
- Wallis
- Warden
- Water Girl
- Waverly Elementary School Teacher
- Waverly Hills Student
- Wed Loster Empolyee
- Wendell
- Wendell Borton
- Wendy
- When Soft Men Do Hard Time Interviewer
- Where's The Cat?Woman
- Whiner #2
- Wife of Dermatologist
- Wife of Surgeon
- Wild Beast #3
- Willie's Mom
- Woman Introducing Milton Burkhart
- Woman Judge
- Woman Neighbor
- Woman On Big TV Screen
- Woman On Desk
- Woman Partner
- Woman Passing Construction Site
- Woman Screaming On Road
- Woman That Lives In Marge's Old House
- Woman Who Spits in Grave
- Woman Who Watched Play
- Woman at Bar
- Woman at Fertility Clinic
- Woman at Festival
- Woman at Funeral
- Woman at Golf Course
- Woman at Meeting
- Woman at Meeting Hall
- Woman at Park
- Woman at Party
- Woman at Playpit
- Woman at Pro Football Headquarters
- Woman at Rap Concert
- Woman at Springfield Speakers Bureau
- Woman at Ticket Office
- Woman from Future
- Woman in 'The Three Stooges'
- Woman in Audience
- Woman in Audience #1
- Woman in Crowd
- Woman in Film
- Woman in Hospital
- Woman in Money Bag
- Woman in the Theater
- Women In Hot Tub
- Women Reading To Kids At Book Store
- Women at Ceremony
- Women at Pool
- Women on Beach
- Women on TV
- Worker in Movie
- Writer #2
- Writer #4
- Yale Admissions Woman
- Yellow Weasel
- Yoga Ladies
- Zoe Burwell
- Zombie Boy
- Zombie Bride
- Zookeeper(वॉइस)