All those who get emotional and cry during tear jerkers and sentimental movies will like this movie too. So they are advised to get their box of tissues and settle down.
The movie is based on the memoirs of some years back of the parents of a child afflicted with cerebral palsy who are told that there is no cure for the disease in Mexico. They then travel from Mexico to India to get their son treated after they hear about this miracle cure in India though still at an experimental stage.
All parents specially those who have been through similar experiences connected to family will relate immensely to the story and sequences. The movie keeps the emotions understated without going overboard and maybe that is its strength and highlight. It is moving, inspirational and all about the resilient nature of determined human spirit.
All credit is due to the director Mariana Chenillo and the two actors who play the parents ( Barbara Mori and Juan Pablo Medina ). The scenes are touching, heartwarming and realistic. Audiences will find themselves immersed in the emotional storyline. Most scenes relate to medical procedures in hospitals and recovery at home. Surprisingly the movie is not boring at any point and one remains absorbed throughout.