Within the first few minutes you know this is going to be something you wish you never started, a couple of Russian MIGs fly within 20 feet of the deck of an American Aircraft carrier, and all these ladies are standing around mass debating over what color nail polish goes with their F18's, "oh look Russian MIGs, to our F18's girls" and the music goes...na na na na na na na na Top Dumb. A few minutes of stock footage follows showing some aerial combat, that doesn't seem to match what is taking place, so much banter and arguing about tactics, "you go left, I'll go right, you dive and we'll sneak up behind them....but you'll kill us all..no, no trust me" a verbal high 5, "girl power (to the tune of ghostbusters) but alas... one gets hit by a Korean missile,Then a bunch of dialogue from a bunch of people in a war room that is so dumb an inaccurate, that you have to wonder how dumb the enemy is if these guys are a superpower. And then it just goes downhill from there.
None of the cast look like they have any military experience or for that matter acting experience, dialogue is best listened to with the sound off, and best watched while you're doing something else a long way from the TV.
A very good movie for the brain dead!