In the future, crime is dealt with severely. And the person convicted has a choice. Immediate extermination or rehabilitation. And we follow Prisoner 37113, who feels she is innocent. She is sentenced to seven years and chose rehabilitation. It consists of being confined to a box, that does not seem big enough to stretch out in. Food may or may not be provided by local people, and it seems there are a lot of boxes around. There is a small hatch that opens periodically to be able to see out, and there is constant video monitoring, and infractions are dealt with severely. One minor infraction resulted in 7 days of noise so she could not sleep. A second infraction could result in bars coming down from the top crushing the person. It is very unpleasant, and the box leaks so rain will come drown upon the person. Apparently Prisoner 37113 is a political prisoner, as while she was in the box, an amnesty was declared, except for political prisoners. There is no back story, and a person in a box deprived of everything has certain needs that are never discussed as to how they are met, and even clothes would not last seven years under such conditions. And she is forbidden to have anything like reading material or anything to pass the long time. Just mindless confinement, which no person would be able to maintain sanity for even a fraction of the time she was sentenced to. A swing and a miss. Unlike the CUBE, where one could move between cubes, needing to avoid the traps, one is stuck in one cube, and there is no leaving.