"Frankenstein And The Monster From Hell" of 1974 is the final entry to Hammer's Frankenstein series, director Terence Fisher's last film, and arguably the goriest Hammer production (maybe along with "Scars Of Dracula" from 1971). The last Frankenstein film from Hammer is a vastly underrated, grim, eerie and excellent finale to the fantastic series, and it is fun to see how Baron Viktor Frankenstein (brilliantly played by Peter Cushing) becomes more and more insane and ruthless throughout the series. While he was just a dedicated scientist who had to use some macabre methods to achieve his goals intended for common welfare in the first features, Baron Francenstein is absolutely obsessed with the idea of resurrecting the dead, and has hardly any scruples in the pursuit of his objectives in this final feature of the Frankenstein series. Still, Frankenstein could not be described as a 'villain'. Some of his goals are still noble, he hates unnecessary cruelty, and he is certain to act in common interest of mankind. His obsessions, however have increased and become more extreme...
Doctor Simon Helder (Shane Briant) is an enthusiastic reader of the works of ingenious scientist Baron Victor Frankenstein. When he gets caught with snatched body parts, which he needs for his own attempts to create a human being, he is sentenced to imprisonment in an insane asylum, managed by an incompetent and perverted director and a bunch of sadistic guards. The only kind-hearted person in the asylum seems to be Sarah (Madleine Smith), a young woman who doesn't speak, and who is referred to as 'Angel'. Soon after Simon's arrival, however, the guards' sadistic practices are brought to an end by the mysterious Doctor Victor. And you can take a hard guess what Dr. Victor's real name is...
Peter Cushing once again delivers a wonderful performance as Baron Victor Frankenstein. Beautiful Madleine Smith also fits very well in her role of Sarah, and Shane Briant plays his role of Simon well. Observant Hammer-fans might recognize the man who plays the bodysnatcher, Patrick Throughton, for his role of Christopher Lee's vassal in "Scars Of Dracula".
"Frankenstein And The Monster From Hell" is a great, vastly underrated Horror flick that should not be missed by a Hammer-fan. The setting in the insane asylum, the typical Hammer score, photography and atmosphere and Peter Cushing's great performance make this movie a must-see for a lover of Horror. Highly recommended!