I know that this movie was adapted from the novel of the same name and since I didn't read the novel, I won't be comparing them. I enjoyed this movie because the development of Jae Hee and Heung-soo's friendship was well written, and the actors playing them have just the right chemistry to make it work. The story is centered around their friendship and before either of them found romantic love, they found each other. Two outcasts who found comfort and refuge in each other, they became each other's biggest support. Their characters also developed along the way as they grew mature and entered the working world, but their friendship stayed the same. And let's not forget that Heung-soo is a gay man, and in a society as conservative as the one in South Korea, I think this movie is good representation for the LGBT community because it shows the struggles that the LGBT community faces, and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a gay person who just wants to love and be loved.