I enjoyed this movie a lot. I don't have much to add about the movie itself which other reviewers haven't covered already; I'm doing a review only because of the polarity of the existing reviews. Most are 8-10 stars; a few are 1 star. Nothing much in between. Well...
There are a few points where we can criticize the plot or the editing for not showing this or that. OK. If that bothers you then you should ding it a point or two for those failures. However, it's absurd to rate this a 1/10 for that. The reviews saying this is the worst rom-com ever, etc., are nonsense. The characters, however incomplete their depiction might be within what is in this film, are warm and sympathetic -- and flawed. Yes, they are imperfect people, and some of their own choices have created some of their problems. Perhaps the movie should have spent more time pointing that out and making it a more central element of the storytelling? You think that would make it a good film, from 1 star to... what? Mulroney and Peet give excellent performances here and they have good on-screen chemistry. The things which are shown tell a story, and it's a story worth seeing. It's not the whole story of either of their lives, but hello, this is one movie. Get real.
I don't think "Griffin and Phoenix" quite rates the 10 that many are giving it, because it does have a few flaws, but IMO those flaws are secondary to the high quality of what is shown and of what we feel with these two suffering lovers. There is a lot of success here. Don't let the boo-birds distract you from the treasure.
I'll close by saying that I've been a fan of Amanda Peet for a long time, and she's as good here as in anything I've seen from her. Those beautiful eyes of hers are so expressive; she doesn't have to work too hard to hook me in, but it's nice when she does anyway. :-)