For me, the French HEAT is still not for now.... This movie ending is closer to PLUS BELLE LA VIE TV show atmosphere than a masterpiece such as HEAT. Once more, director Jeremy Guez deceives me after his awful KANUN, for which my expectations were so great. The harder I fell !!!! The problem is not the directing nor the cast, but the ending? Why, why giving such a lousy ending for a movie supposed to be gritty, dark, bleak, violent? Why? The series BRI also produced by Guez was nearly OK, but something was missing too.... Sorry folks, I grew up with directors such a Jean-Pierre Melville and Sam Peckinpah with whom you could never have such lousy endings...Never. For the rest, I admit that 's not a bad film, on the contrary, the hoodlums are very professional, and I love that. The action scenes quite good, fast paced. But why such a f...ending like this? Now, I wait for THE QUIET ONES, starring Reda Kated, and supposed to be released next year. I hope that for this one, I will not fall "from a cliff" too. Because after watching the trailer, my hopes, expectations, are as high as the Empire State Building. The spectacular escape from the court house of Paris is even better than in the movie LE GANG DES OTAGES, back in 1973.