I really wanted to like this. My mom has Parkinson's, so I'm always thrilled to be tuning in to a Michael J. Fox appearance. He's inspiring and entertaining, and he does a lot for the cause. But this show is a clunker. It feels artificial, as though designed by a committee. All the kids are sarcastic and uninteresting, the adults are lifeless annoying, and there was no charm, no warmth, and no laughs. The whole thing is awkward and hectic, and shows no promise.
It isn't hard at all to watch him, despite the fact he clearly has all the symptoms of the disease. It isn't formulaic like most of the sitcoms he's been in over the course of his life. It's just bad. He carries himself with the same relaxing charm he's always had. He appears to have shown up ready to give a great performance, but the people behind the scenes really let him down with this charmless bomb.
I couldn't make it to the end of one episode, much less the second that aired right after.