Love me shojo if reading my review, got shojo going on so when with Kamisama expecting some fruit basket touches.
But ending up in divine misadventure jocking around romcom that laugh for what it is, got to know little on the temples of Japan, let's throw some coins, clap three times, lower heads for review:
Kamisama plays as simple washout story, until saves guess deity's by receiving a kiss on forehead she turn a god of the earth, after taking her to meet her familiar the annoy fox spirit Tomoe.
By just kiss turning into he's master after that a whole spiritual adventures start out from been kidnapped by serpent spirit wanna marry her, meeting a idol spirit while their relationship starts take shape that Kamisama wants with Tomoe is awesome that has hate to humans, as see em inferior, but knowing master changes perspectives n that sold me like Kamisama does everything to keep him on leach that feels so Inuyasha.
By the second season the story goes on different arcs, that loose paste, meaning the romance momentum loose it.
What like about it is the antagonist former friend of Tomoe, travel the underworld to get demonic body, which they could stick with that could brought true challenge to Tomoe, the Tengu arc was long they should ve cut it for 2 episodes. Focus more on Kirihito arc.
The second opening was colorful n well blessing on how the dance number comes, also by far Kamisama face was the most unique style that comes close to Nana.
So conclude enjoy this misadventures of Tomoe n Kamisama rest cast, exploring the spiritual side of the Japanese culture. The many deities, but the arguments really worth seeing it.