The movie starts off with two ladies leaving a bar at night, then get kidnapped by a man who we never really get to know, nor his intentions.
Then all of a sudden the story makes a split and we follow the kidnapping of a rich man's daughter for ransom. It adds little to the main story, but oh well.
After the 'ritual cleansin' (for lack of a better word) of one of the ladies and some sort of ritual sacrifice bordering on torture p0rn, some anthropomorphic creature awakens from it's slumber (no idea who or what it is or what it wants) and goes on a killing spree against the ladies and the kidnappers who seem to botched their job and ended up in the same place.
A stalk and slash scenario ensues, where the 'villian appearing in the background' is repeated ad nauseum. The ending is total letdown.
I won't waste any more words on this. Maybe if you're *really* into slasher movies this might be a good appetizer, if not stay away.