I have never sent a comment on shows that I have watched. But this one upset me so much that I just had to send one. First I want to say I love the show. Second, I want to say is that the Vegan Mom, Barbara, is a cruel, hypocritical, insensitive BEAST. The way she treated Zizi made me wish I can punch her thru the TV screen. The way she treats her own children and family makes me wish her husband would leave her ugly butt and take those children and run for the mountains. The other mom played the game right and with so much respect. God Bless her and her golden heart. You seem like a wonderful woman and a GREAT mom. I hope nothing that beast wrote about you got to you, she was probably writing about herself. What right does she have to treat your child that way, criticize you and your family and think she can teach you on how to raise your child. Sure that was great for the show's ratings, but that was just so cruel to you and your family. HHMMMMMM how do we spell Monkey when it is plural????