When the Rumanian Mafia break into the safe house he's storing their accountant, Snipes' bosses are angry with him. Telling only his buddy, William Hope, he gets ahold of Silvia Colloca, the accountants widow, and runs around Bucharest (the architecturally uninteresting parts) trying to keep her alive.
The script consists about 97% of crashing-cars stunts, and I figured out about three minutes in who in the CIA was leaking information to the bad guys. There are plenty of shaky-cam shots, and I think there may be more footage with the camera tilted than with the camera level. Although Snipes and Miss Colloca are both capable actors, this is a movie where more care was taken in making sure that the lady's brassiere always rises the same height above he blouse than the script. Unless you're one of those people who think that crashing cars and gunfire make a good movie.