I am a huge huge fan of the Grand Theft Auto series and before Grand Theft Auto 3 was realised and we were blasted into the new era what happened was that we were given the birds eye view. And although by todays standards there is very little to do in it , it is still very fun. I never really got my hands on the expansion pack until much much later on in my life and being a hard core gamer I felt the need to complete it , and although it has taken me less than a week , the game was nothing short of funny and entertaining. Although the graphics might not be all that by now days standards and then the mission might be repetitive . But this game rules on accounts of it humour and also the fact that it is set in my home town of London which is just great. I would love to see a GTA game set back in London, for the nostalgic gamer who wants to revisit his high school days.
8.1 OUT OF 10