If you are a older than a "Gen X-er," this film probably won't have you saying, "Oh, to be young again!" You also might ask, "Was I this self-absorbed and obnoxious when I was their age?" Brook Langton is a twenty-something with thoughts of striking out on her own career when her boyfriend calls from out of town to propose marriage. She then spends the first half of the film hanging out with two male friends (Jason London and Peter Johansson) trying to decide what to do. They are so self-consciously cute and (un)funny that you may give up on the film before the end. I almost did.
In the second half, however, things pick up somewhat and your interest may grow as the relationships change and get more serious. Even so, this is a marginal movie; someone who watches a lot of films about relationships might go for it in a small way, but more casual viewers may not want to invest the time.