This 1968 black and white film was made by the Japanese New Wave director Nagisa Oshima. It's a dark satire, often farcical in nature, which takes shots at such issues as the treatment of Koreans in Japan, capital punishment, bureaucracy and its bungling bureaucrats, and censorship, among other subjects.
A young Korean man, named R in the movie, has been sentenced to death by hanging by the Japanese courts for rape and murder. However, when he does not die after the attempted execution, it will set off a whole series of wild and farcical events, as the attending officials try and get the amnesiac R to remember who he is and admit to his guilt so they can attempt to execute him again,
Overall, lots of effective satirical barbs thrown by Oshima, but the film just got too drawn out, even tedious, as it progressed and became too dramatically overwrought as well.