Cocky astronaut goes into space and disobeys direct orders from his brother, turns into a one-eyed standing pile of glop, and tears the necks of cows and humans for their blood. Premise of film is totally ridiculous, but everyone involved seems so earnest. That doesn't necessarily(and particularly in this case) mean they are good. The film is very cheaply made with some of the most improbable space flight footage ever shot. Marshall Thompson(from It! The Terror Beyond Space) plays the monster's overbearing, hard-working, tougher than nails brother who frequently throws out one cliche after another. Listening to him call his superior 'Skipper' had me laughing from the get go(okay, thought I would use some well-worn cliches). Thompson is the best the film has to offer in terms of acting. He is stoically adequate at best. Marla Landi is the monster's Italian love interest and looks at least effective in some Capri slacks. The scientific mumbo jumbo churned out is spectacularly immense, with scientific sounding names and theories bombarding the viewer repeatedly. Certainly not a good film(nor anywhere near it), the film does have a unique charm(albeit not over-powering)and does manage to keep the viewer awake throughout the 78 minutes of running time. And some of the scientific premises put forth have some interesting possibilities as well. Do watch out, though, for the pervasive corny dialogue. It gets pretty thick folks!