Maurice LaMarche
- Reparto
- Producción
- Sonido
Maurice LaMarche nació el 30 de marzo de 1958 en Toronto, Ontario, Canadá. Es un actor y productor, conocido por Futurama (1999), Pinky y Cerebro (1995) y Zootopía (2016). Está casado con Robin Eisenman desde el 19 de mayo de 1991. Tienen un niño.
Serie de TV
- Morbo
- Kif Kroker
- Calculon
- Hedonismbot
- Walt
- Additional Voices
- Lrrr
- Horrible Gelatinous Blob
- Lt. Kif Kroker
- The Hyperchicken
- Don Cunningham
- Clamps
- Donbot
- Headless Clone of Agnew
- The Crushinator
- The Hyper-Chicken
- Axl
- The Borax Kid
- Auctioneer
- Fishy Joe
- George Washington's Head
- Raoul
- The Scary Door Narrator
- Waiter
- Betsy
- Buggalo
- Butler
- Destructor
- Doctor
- Dr. Perceptron
- Executive Beta
- Fishy Joseph Gillman
- Inglis Raoul
- Narrator
- Newsreel Announcer
- Ronald Reagan's Head
- TV Announcer
- The Big Brain
- Victor
- Yuri
- 'Good Show!'
- Ab-Bot
- Abraham
- Abraham Lincoln's Head
- Academy Awards Announcer
- Albino Shouting Gorillas
- Alexander Hamilton
- Alien Leader
- Amish Man
- Angus McZongo
- Announcer
- Ape
- Ape #1
- Aracneon
- Archaeologist
- Attila the Hun
- Auto-Pilot
- Bailiff
- Balloon Operator
- Band Member
- Barking Snakes
- Basil
- Basketball Announcer
- Bean Salesman
- Benjamin Franklin
- Bidder #1
- Big-Mouthed Mutant
- Billgar
- Blek
- Border Guard
- Bouncer
- Brain Balls
- Brrr
- Business Monkey
- Captain Megameat
- Carcarons
- Cartridge Unit
- Caterpillar
- Chainsaw-Eating Robot
- Civil Defense Van
- Clock
- Commercial Announcer
- Costume Contest Announcer
- Crushinator
- Cryogenisist
- Cuckoo
- Cylon
- Dandy Jim
- Dean Vernon
- Decapodian Tailor
- Digby
- Documentary Announcer
- Documentary Narrator
- Dog Walker
- Donkey Kong
- Dr. Banjo
- Dragon Ghost
- Dumblock
- E-Mail Voice
- Elves
- Elzar's Announcer
- Emperor Bont
- Erwin Schrödinger
- Evil Lincoln
- Execubot Beta
- Executioner
- Executive Alpha
- Fire Creature
- Flamo
- Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Fountain Kraken
- Fox Announcer
- Frankenstein's Monster
- Franklin D. Roosevelt's Head
- Fred Sanford
- Future Being
- Gamester Alien #1
- Gary
- George Michael's Head
- George Washington
- Gerald Ford's Head
- Ghost
- Grover Cleveland's Head
- Grumpy Snail Growling
- Guard
- Guard Dog
- H.G. Blob
- Habitat Alien #2
- Hair Dryer
- Hattie's Fiance
- Headless Body of Agnew
- Highly Evolved Robotic Juror
- Hitchhiker
- Hobsie
- Horserace Commentator
- Hot Dog Vendor
- Husband
- Hyperchicken
- Ikea Robot
- Ingliss Raoul
- Japanese Toilet
- Jim
- King of Flatbrush
- Lackey
- Larry the Murder Burglar
- Lassie's Head
- LeRoy
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Lrrr's Father
- Luciano Pavoratti's Head
- Madison Cube Garden Stage Manager
- Malachi
- Male CDC Scientist #1
- Male Planet Express Ship
- Man in Commercial #1
- Man in Park
- Maniacal Laughter
- Marcel
- Mario
- Melllvar
- Midwife
- Monk #1
- Monster
- Moon Rover Ride Narrator
- Morcs
- Mr. Astor
- Mr. Chunks
- Mr. Everyteen
- Mr. Peppy
- Murg
- Museum Guide #1
- Nazi #1
- Neutral President
- Nibblonian
- Octopus
- Old Guy
- Omicronian Guard
- Omocronian
- Opera House Announcer
- Orange Elder
- Orson Welles' Head
- Peacock
- Pharaoh Hermenthotip
- Pig
- Pizza Ad
- Police Officer
- Police Trainer
- President Harry Truman
- Priestbot
- Professor Morris Katz
- Race Announcer
- Radio Newsreader
- Ralph Kramden Animatronic
- Raoull Inglis
- Recruitment Officer
- Referee
- Ride Operator
- Robot
- Robot Ambassador
- Robot Crowd
- Robot Doctor
- Robot Doorman #2
- Robot Elder #2
- Robot Toucan
- Robotic Caveman
- Robotic Dinosaur
- Robotic Heckler
- Robotic Male Scientist
- Rodriguez Robot
- Sal's Friend #1
- Scary Mirror Narrator
- Schlomo
- Scientist #2
- Scoop Chang
- Sex Shop Salesman
- Shady Guy
- Sign-Writer
- Slave #1
- Small Rock Alien
- Space Pirate
- Space Pope
- Space Worm
- Sparky
- Sportsbot 5000
- Squidward Scissorhands
- Teddy Roosevelt's Head
- Texan Scientist #2
- The Being of Inconceivable Horror
- The Force
- The Robot Devil
- Throw Your Sea Monkeys Advertisement
- Throw Your Voice Advertisement
- Tokyo Crazy Balls Machine
- Traffic Narrator
- Trek Preacher
- Ultra Guy
- Universal Translator
- Vampire Mayor
- Vampire in Coffin
- Weasel Monster
- Will Reader
- Worms
- Yeti
- Zookeeper Monkey
- eBay Auctioneer
- iHawk(voz)
Serie de TV
- The Brain
- Brain
- Al Gore
- Alien
- Baby Romy
- Brain-2-Me-2
- Chief of Staff Brain
- Queen Roach's Aid
- Rhennish Brother
- Rick Blaine
- Squit
Serie de TV
- Orson Welles
- Hedonismbot
- Additional Voices
- Admiral Crunchy
- Billy
- Cap'n Crunch
- Charlie Sheen
- Chef Naziwa
- Chinese #1
- Chinese #4
- City Inspector
- Clive Meriwether
- Commander McBragg
- Erman Millwood
- Eudora Welty
- Fox announcer
- Gate Guard #1
- George C. Scott
- Harvest Fest Worker
- Hedonismbot Cosplayer
- Hutch
- Jock #2
- Leprechaun
- Lrrr
- Marlon Brando
- Milo
- Morbo
- Mr. Burns' Doctor
- Neil Simon
- Oceanographer
- Recruiter #2
- Rodney Dangerfield
- Screaming Cop
- Starsky
- Vincent Price(voz)