Seth Green(I)
- Reparto
- Guion
- Producción
Seth Green nació el 8 de febrero de 1974 en Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Estados Unidos. Es un actor y escritor, conocido por Pollo Robot (2001), La estafa maestra (2003) y Austin Powers (1997). Está casado con Clare Grant desde el 1 de mayo de 2010.
Serie de TV
- Various
- The Nerd
- Batman
- Seth Green
- Cobra Commander
- Daniel 'Gyro-Robo'
- George W. Bush
- Doctor
- God
- E.T.
- Mario
- Harry Potter
- Santa Claus
- Announcer
- The Hulk
- Adolf Hitler
- Ash Ketchum
- Destro
- Dracula
- Easter Bunny
- Elliott
- Father
- Freddy Krueger
- Gargamel
- Kool-Aid Man
- Man
- Police Officer
- Scooby-Doo
- Shipwreck
- Thanos
- Bill Clinton
- Bo Duke
- Boy
- Bruce Wayne
- Husband
- James Bond
- Judge
- M. Night Shyamalan
- Pikachu
- Robin
- Satan
- Tarzan
- Andy Davis
- Boyfriend
- Britney Spears
- Captain Planet
- Cookie Monster
- Cowardly Lion
- Garfield
- Gung-Ho
- Inspector Gadget
- Jason Voorhees
- Kid
- Leonardo
- Little Boy
- Little Drummer Boy
- Marty McFly
- Mayor McCheese
- Mickey Mouse
- Mummy
- Neo
- Pee-wee Herman
- Raphael
- Roadblock
- Rudolph
- Severus Snape
- Simon Seville
- Snoop Dogg
- Splinter
- Teacher
- Teenage Boy
- Terminator
- Willy Wonka
- Abraham Lincoln
- Albus Dumbledore
- Aquaman
- Atreyu
- Barack Obama
- Boots the Monkey
- Captain America
- Cat
- Cat in the Hat
- Chip
- Count von Count
- Dave Seville
- David
- Dr. Mindbender
- Elmo
- Fred Flintstone
- Frosty the Snowman
- Gary
- Gleek
- Goofy
- Grim Reaper
- Hamburglar
- He-Man
- Jareth the Goblin King
- Jazz
- Jenna Bush
- Kidnapper
- Man-At-Arms
- Michael Moore
- Narrator
- Orko
- Oscar the Grouch
- PaRappa the Rapper
- Paris Hilton
- Pennywise
- Pinhead
- Poopdeck Pappy
- Priest
- Purple Pieman
- Road Runner
- Robber
- Sebastian
- Snoopy
- Snow Job
- Soldier
- Speed Racer
- Spirit
- Starscream
- Sub-Zero
- The Grinch
- Theodore Seville
- Thor
- Tree
- Veterinarian
- Abduwali Muse
- Aladdin
- Alan Schaefer
- Alien
- Alligator
- Arnold Perlstein
- Arnold Shortman
- Baloo
- Barney the Dinosaur
- Barry
- Beavis
- Benjamin Franklin
- Bert
- Big Bird
- Bigfoot
- Blanka
- Bluto
- Brave Little Toaster
- Bronson Pinchot
- Bruce Banner
- Bruce Sato
- Bullet Bill
- Bully
- Bumblebee
- Caveman
- Charlie Brown
- Chief Martin Brody
- Chief Quimby
- Chop Chop Master Onion
- Clown
- Conrad Bain
- Cornelius the Samurai
- Cringer
- Dale
- Devil
- Dog
- Dominic Toretto
- Doug Goldstein
- Dr. Claw
- Dr. Emmett Brown
- Dr. Robert Ford
- Eagle Eye Smith
- Eleroo
- Elf
- Encyclopedia Brown
- Exterminator
- Fisherman
- Flint
- Frankenstein's Monster
- Frogger
- Gandalf
- Gary Coleman
- George Pig
- George Washington
- Ghost
- Gidget the Taco Bell Chihuahua
- Goku
- Goliath
- Goyfinger
- Grandmother
- Grandpa Joe
- Great Mazinger
- Grouchy Smurf
- Hal Slocumb
- Han Solo
- Handmaid
- Hawkeye
- Henry Warnimont
- Huckleberry Pie
- Huey Duck
- Interrogator
- Jack Skellington
- Jaga
- Jame 'Buffalo Bill' Gumb
- Jaws
- Jesus Christ
- John Hammond
- Johnny Cage
- Jor-El
- Joseph of Nazareth
- Jughead Jones
- Keanu Reeves
- Kevin Federline
- Kevin Flynn
- Kuato
- Lady Jaye
- Loki
- Lone Ranger
- Lord Voldemort
- Lorraine Baines
- Luna
- Major Bludd
- Maverick
- McDonald's Narrator
- Megatron
- Minerva McGonagall
- Moose Mason
- Moses
- Mother
- Mr. Sulu
- Mutt
- Native American
- Neighbor
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Old Lady
- Old Man
- Old Woman
- Oompa Loompa
- Oskar Schindler
- Pac-Man
- Pale Man
- Panthro
- Paul Atreides
- Peter Pan
- Peter Parker
- Pilot
- Pink Panther
- Pinocchio
- Principal
- Professor
- Queer Eye Narrator
- Quint
- Raleigh Becket
- Rattlesnake
- Rebel Trooper
- Remy
- Richie Rich
- Robeast
- RoboCop
- Robot Chicken
- Robot Model B-9
- Ronald McDonald
- Rosie the Robot
- Rudy Ruettiger
- Scarecrow
- Scorpion
- Scotty
- Scrooge McDuck
- Solid Snake
- Somali Pirate
- Son
- Spider-Man
- Squirrel
- Steve Urkel
- Stinkor
- Storm Shadow
- Stormtrooper
- Stretch Armstrong
- Student
- Swedish Chef
- Swiper the Fox
- TRL Girl
- Tattoo
- Teenager
- Teletubbies
- Tetsuo
- The Beast
- The Great Gazoo
- The Joker
- The Penguin
- The Punisher
- The Thing
- Theodore 'Ted' Logan
- Tiger Woods
- Tom Root
- Transformers Narrator
- Trap-Jaw
- Trevor
- Troll
- Twiki
- Tyrion Lannister
- Vanity Smurf
- Vatican Cardinal
- W.H.O. Doctor
- Waiter
- Waldo
- Waldorf
- Walt Disney
- Werewolf
- William Tell
- WilyKat
- Wimpy
- Woman
- Zartan
- Zombie
- 'Holy O's' Narrator
- 'White' Michael Jackson
- 20 Sided Die
- 60 Seconds Narrator
- 8-bit Fisherman
- 8-bit Man
- 8-bit Wizard
- 800-lb. Man
- Acapella Tournament Announcer
- Ace
- Acroyear
- Adam
- Adam Richman
- Adam Sandler
- Adam Savage
- Adrian Pennino
- Adventure Capitalist #1
- Airport Man
- Al Calavicci
- Al Roker
- Alan-A-Dale
- Albert Einstein
- Albert R. Broccoli
- Alec DeLeon
- Alex
- Alex Rogan
- Alexander Cabot III
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Alfredo Linguini
- Alice Nelson
- Alistair Cooke
- Alligator Man
- Alpha 5
- Alucard
- American Girl Store Clerk
- American Soldier
- Amy
- Anabelle Timulti
- Ancient Romans
- Anderson
- Anderson Cooper
- Andrew Dice Clay
- Angel
- Animatronic Martha Wayne
- Animatronic Young Bruce Wayne
- Ann Darrow
- Ant Man
- Ant Narrator
- Anton Ego
- Apache Chief
- Apocalypse
- Apocalypse Ponies
- Aragorn
- Archaeologist
- Archaeologist's Assistant
- Archangel
- Ariel Sharon
- Armed Turtle
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Art Gallery Patron
- Arthur
- Arthur Read
- Ash
- Aspiring Actor
- Astra
- Astro
- Athletes
- Aughra
- Aunt Lydia
- Aunt May
- Auntie Em
- Awkward Narrator
- Awkward Writer
- Azrael
- B1
- B2
- Babe
- Baby Gonzo
- Baby Herman
- Baby Swiss
- Bachelor Narrator
- Backpack
- Badtz-Maru
- Bagheera
- Bald Man
- Ball Pit Kid
- Balloon
- Bambi
- Bananas Gorilla
- Bank Robber
- Bank of America Rep
- Barabbas
- Bards
- Baron Von Chill
- Baseball Coach
- Basketball
- Basketball Announcer
- Bass with a Bass
- Battle Cat
- Bear Grylls
- Bearded Man
- Beat-munk
- Bed Bugs Son
- Bedtime Bear
- Beetlejuice
- Ben Crandall
- Ben Stiller
- Ben Tennyson
- Benjamin Gates
- Berenice
- Bethany's Dad
- Betty Parris
- Biff Tannen
- Big Bad Wolf
- Big F**king Shark Narrator
- Big Game Hunter
- Big Pete Wringley
- Bigfoot Narrator
- Bigotry
- Biker
- Bil
- Bilbo Baggins
- Bill Gates
- Bill Murray
- Bill S. Preston, Esq.
- Billy
- Billy's Dad
- Binyah Binyah
- Black Power Ranger
- Blade
- Blain
- Blasternaut
- Blind Date Host
- Bloody Mary
- Blossom
- Blue
- Bluestreak
- Bob
- Bob Marley
- Bob Ross
- Bob's Wife
- Bobby
- Bobby Berk
- Bobby Brady
- Bobby McCormick
- Bogey Orangutan
- Bomba
- Bomberman
- Boo Boo
- Bow
- Bowser
- Box
- Boxer
- Boy #2
- Brave Little Toaster Announcer
- Breaker
- Breanne
- Brett Matthews
- Brian Tanner
- Brock Lovett
- Brodeo Announcer
- Brunette
- Brutus' Owner
- Bryan Mills
- Bräts Narrator
- Bubbles
- Buck McCoy
- Bucky
- Buddha
- Bullwinkle J. Moose
- Bully at Baseball Field
- Bullzeye
- Bunny
- Bus Driver
- Businessman
- Butler
- Buttercup
- Butterfly Prince Ken
- Buzz Bee
- Buzz Lightyear
- CHiP #1
- CVS Narrator
- Cabbage Merchant
- Cabbage Patch Kid
- Cadbury
- Cake Hunter
- California Raisin #1
- Calvin's Dad
- Candle
- Capt. Edward J. Smith
- Captain Crunch
- Captain Dallas
- Captain Eagle
- Captain F.N. Madlock
- Captain Jean-Luc Picard
- Carlos Rodriguez
- Carly's Dad
- Carol Young
- Casey Jones
- Cash Cab Narrator
- Casper
- Cassette Tape
- Cassie
- Cassie's Lover
- Caterpillar
- Catfish
- Catherine Martin
- Cats Narrator
- Centaur
- Centauri
- Chad Michael Murray
- Chairface Chippendale
- Chairry
- Chardonnay
- Charles Manson
- Charles Parker
- Charlie Muskrat
- Charlotte York Goldenblatt
- Chase
- Chatty Cathy
- Cheddar
- Cheer Bear
- Cheerios Narrator
- Cheese Vendor
- Cheetos Narrator
- Chef
- Cherie Johnson
- Chewbacca
- Chibs Telford
- Chick
- Chief Blue Meanie
- Chief Raining Stereotype
- Child Psychologist
- Chim-Chim
- Chinese Chef
- Chris Hansen
- Chris Harrison
- Christian
- Christian Grey
- Christopher Lee
- Chucky
- Clarabelle Cow
- Clarence
- Clarence Odbody
- Clark Kent
- Cluckerella
- Clyde Barrow
- Cockatrice
- Coconut Tree
- Coffee Shop Vendor
- Col. Saul Tigh
- Col. Wilhelm Klink
- Colby
- College Girl #2
- Colonial Cat
- Commander
- Commander LaFreak
- Commander Stone Hopper
- Commentator
- Connor
- Contest Judge
- Convenience Store Clerk
- Cookie Monster's Mommy
- Cop
- Cop-Tur
- Corey Feldman
- Corky
- Corn
- Cornelius
- Cortés
- Count Chocula
- Count Dracula
- Countdown Voice
- Courage
- Cow
- Crazy Harry
- Criminal
- Criss Angel
- Cthulhu
- Cubbi Gummi
- Cuddles
- Curious George
- Curious George Narrator
- Customer
- Cyclops
- Cylon
- Cylon Commander
- Daisy Werthan
- Dandy Crow
- Daniel LaRusso
- Daniel Tiger
- Daredevil
- Daria Morgendorffer
- Dark House Narrator
- Dark Meat
- Darlene
- Darwin
- Daryl Hall
- Date My Mom Narrator
- Davenport the Drama Llama
- David Letterman
- David Levinson
- David Xanatos
- Dazzle Darling
- Deep Six
- Defense Lawyer
- Demogorgon
- Desmond
- Dewey Duck
- Dexter
- Diabolical Disc Demon
- Dick Cheney
- Digger Mole
- Dil
- Dilbert
- Dilton Doiley
- Dino
- Dipsy
- Director
- Dirty Harry
- Discovery Channel Executive
- Dishwasher
- Doctor Narrator
- Doctor Octopus
- Doctor Smurf
- Dollar Store Employee
- Dom Irrera
- Domino's Employee
- Don Bluth
- Don Cheadle
- Don Lemonlime
- Don't Fall Down Narrator
- Donatello
- Doodlemento
- Doomsday
- Doppelganger
- Doris
- Dot Warner
- Double Daredevil Narrator
- Doug Funnie
- Douglas Quaid
- Dr. Alan Grant
- Dr. Dave Bowman
- Dr. Doom
- Dr. Dre
- Dr. Edwin Jenner
- Dr. Elefun
- Dr. Hannibal Lecter
- Dr. Josef Heiter
- Dr. Manhattan
- Dr. Niko Tatopoulos
- Dr. Nogrady
- Dr. Patchet
- Dr. Richard Kimble
- Dr. Sunjay
- Dr. Zachary Smith
- Driver
- Drunk Farmer
- DubChub Spam
- Duck
- Duckling
- Dumbo
- Dumplestiltskin
- Dunkin' Donuts Manager
- Dusty
- Dutch
- Dwight's Penis
- E. Honda
- ED-209
- Earl McGarry
- Earth
- Earthworm Jim
- Easter Bunny's Assistant
- Ebenezer Scrooge
- Eddie Murphy
- Edgar Wembley III
- Edna Garrett
- Edna Mode
- Egg Teacher
- Elephant
- Elevator Operator
- Elijah
- Elite
- Elmer Fudd
- Elroy Jetson
- Emerald Wizard
- Emergency Broadcast System
- End Credits Man
- Enrique
- Er
- Eric
- Erik Estrada
- Eris
- Ernest J. Keebler
- Ernie
- Ethel Muggs
- Eustace Bagge
- Evian Narrator
- Excalibur Narrator
- Executioner
- Explorer
- FOX Executive
- Face Doll #2
- Fairies Don't Exist Singer
- Fairy Godmother
- Falcon
- Falkor
- Fan
- Farmer
- Fashion Executive
- Fast Food Clerk
- Fast Food Customer
- Fast Food Intercom
- Fat Crow
- Female Ant
- Female Diner
- Female Teacher
- Fire Lord Ozai
- Fish
- Fish Customer
- Fisherman #1
- Five-Eyed Mutant
- Fizzgig
- Flash Gordon
- Floory
- Flounder
- Fortune Teller
- Fourth Doctor
- Frank Castle
- Frank Fritz
- Frank Hamer
- Frank Martin
- Frank Underwood
- Frankenberry
- Frankie Dunn
- Fred Andrews
- Fred Rogers
- Freddy's Dads
- Frenzy
- Freya Chocolate
- Friar Tuck
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Frosted Flakes Kid
- Fruity Yummy Mummy
- Funeral Orator
- GEICO Gecko
- Galen Erso
- Game & Watch Fireman #2
- Gangster
- Ganondorf
- Gary Oak
- Gee Gee
- Gen Z Advertising Executive
- Gen Z Boy
- General
- General Mike Summit
- General Spidrax
- George 'Gramps' Miller
- George Bailey
- George H. W. Bush
- George Lowery
- George McFly
- George Taylor
- Geppetto
- German Critic
- Gerry Lane
- Gerry's Son
- Ghost Rider
- Ghost of Christmas Future
- Ghostly Voice
- Ghostwriter Narrator
- Gil Grissom
- Gill-man
- Gimli
- Giraffe Cop
- Giraffe Cop Narrator
- Gizmo
- Gladys
- Glasses Crow
- Glycerine Johnson
- Goat Farmer
- Godzilla
- Gohan
- Golden Idol
- Golobulus
- Good Will Hunting
- Gopher #2
- Gordon Bowker
- Gorilla
- Gotham City Thugs
- Government Agent
- Governor Wellington Wetworth
- Granddaughter
- Grandma Fu
- Grandma Violin
- Grandpa Smurf
- Gray Alien #2
- Great Tiger
- Green Alien
- Green Arrow
- Green Lantern
- Green Magic Rabbit
- Greg Brady
- Greninja
- Greninja's Co-worker
- Gretel
- Grig
- Grizzly Adams
- Grizzly Bears
- Grover
- Gruffi Gummi
- Guard
- Guardian Bob
- Guile
- Gul Madred
- Gullah Gullah Island Announcer
- Gunman
- Gynecologist
- H.M. 'Howling Mad' Murdock
- Hades
- Hal Lexington
- Hammilton Narrator
- Handy Smurf
- Hansel
- Happy Meal Drink
- Harlem Globetrotter Coach
- Harold the Helicopter
- Harold's Dad
- Harp Seal with a Harpsichord
- Harry
- Harry 'Steve' Morgan
- Harry Knowles
- Harry Lime
- Harvey
- Hashizoutchi
- Hatchimals Narrator
- Hawk's Boss
- Hector
- Hello Kitty
- Henchman
- Henri Ducard
- Henry Jones Sr.
- Henry Kissinger
- Henry Spencer
- Herald of Galactus
- Herman
- Herman the Clown
- Hermey the Elf
- Herpes Ghost
- High Five
- High School Shooter
- Hilda Hippo
- Hitchcock Narrator
- Hobo
- Holden McCrea
- Hollywood Spotlight Narrator
- Holy Grail Knight
- Homeless Man
- Honda Narrator
- Hondo MacLean
- Hong Kong Phooey
- Hooters Owl
- Horse
- Hospital Janitor
- Host
- Hot Dog
- Hot Wheels Narrator
- Hourman
- Howl
- Hunk
- I.Q.
- Iago
- Icarus
- Ice Road Truckers Narrator
- Iceman
- Ickis' Mom
- Immigration Agent
- Immigration Officer
- Improv Host
- Indian Autobot #1
- Indiana Jones
- Inmate
- Inspector Detector
- Investor
- Ironhide
- Ironic Smurf
- Ithorian
- J. R. R. Tolkien
- Jack
- Jack Sadelstein
- Jack Traven
- Jack's Dad
- Jacked Up Sheep
- Jacob Black
- Jade the Sky Dancer
- Jaden
- Jamaican Dog
- James Madison
- James the Red Engine
- Jamie's Mother
- Jan Brady
- Jane Porter
- Janet's Mom
- Janice
- Jaq
- Jared
- Jared Fogle
- Jason Alexander
- Jason of Corinth
- Jean-Claude Van Damme
- Jeff
- Jeff Probst
- Jeff the Oompa Loompa
- Jellyfish
- Jem
- Jem's Manager
- Jen
- Jerry
- Jerry the Tauntaun's Son #2
- Jesse Ventura
- Jesus Pogo Stick Commercial Narrator
- Jet Li
- Jewish Man
- Jill Sadelstein
- Jim
- Jim Coates
- Jim Halpert
- Jim Ross
- Jiminy Cricket
- Jimmy Kimmel
- Jimmy Olsen
- Jinx
- Jock Lindsey
- Joe
- Joel Schumacher
- Joffrey Baratheon
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- John Connor
- John Cutter
- John Hancock
- John Kramer
- John Lennon
- John Oates
- Johnny
- Johnny Utah
- Jonas Prime
- Jonathan Kent
- Jonathan Scott
- Juan Ponce de León
- Judge Brown
- Junior
- Junkyard Dog
- Justin
- Justin Bieber
- Kaa
- Kagome Higurashi
- Kane
- Kangaroo
- Karaoke Man
- Karin Lane
- Kayo
- Keith Akira Kogane
- Ken
- Ken Carson
- Kennedy Roaster #2
- Kenny
- Kevin James
- Keyop
- Khan Noonien Singh
- Kickstarter Narrator
- Kid Flash
- Kid Venison
- Kids
- Kilgrave
- Killer Robot #2
- King Agnarr
- King Arthur
- King Hippo
- King Pig
- Kit Cloudkicker
- Kitten Camp Narrator
- Klingon
- Koromon
- Krampus
- Krumm
- Kwame
- Kwanzaa Kangaroo
- Kylo Ren
- LOL Girl #1
- Lady Aberlin
- Lamar Latrell
- Lana Lang
- Lance
- Lara Lor-Van
- Larry
- Larry Daley
- Larry H. Loompa
- Lavonda
- Lawrence 'Chunk' Cohen
- Lawyer
- Le Chiffre
- Leader-1
- League of Predatory Men Narrator
- Leatherface
- Lee Abbott
- Leech
- Lego Brad Pitt
- Lego Cop
- Lego Defendant
- Lego Firefighter
- Lego General
- Lego Jury
- Lego Lawyer
- Lego Mission Control Worker
- Lego NASA Officer
- Legolas
- Lennie Small
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Les Miserobble Robble Narrator
- Lettuce-Head Kids
- Lex Luthor
- Li'l Hitler
- Library Patron
- Lift-Ticket
- Light Cycle Glitch Guard
- Lightning McQueen
- Lil' Theodore 'T.C.' Calvin
- Lincoln Hawk
- Lincoln's Bully
- Link
- Linny
- Linus van Pelt
- Little Boy #4
- Little Caesar
- Little Mac
- Little Match Girl's Grandmother
- Little Tauntaun
- Lloyd Dobler
- Logan's Friend #3
- Lollipop Madea
- Lonnie Peppers
- Loopy the Toucan
- Lord Zedd
- Louis
- Louis Armstrong
- Lt. Hideo Yoshida
- Lt. Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell
- Lt. Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky
- Lud
- Luke Skywalker
- Lurky
- Luther
- Lynne Spears
- M
- M. Bison
- M.A.D. Cat
- MC Alien
- MC Horse
- MC King Kong Mushi
- MIT Admissions Rep
- MOMMA-209
- Ma-Ti
- Magic Mike
- Magic Mike Heckler
- Magic Mike Narrator
- Magic Mirror
- Maharaja
- Male Ant
- Male Pumpkin
- Male Zebra
- Mall Madness Narrator
- Man Fleeing Godzilla
- Man Hit by Nunchuck Dog
- Man-Spider
- Manimal's Co-worker
- Manimal's Son
- Manneken Pis
- Manny
- Mantenna
- Marcie's Dad
- Marco
- Marie-Grace Gardner
- Mark
- Mark Cuban
- Mark Twain
- Mark Week Narrator
- Marlee Matlin
- Marlin
- Mars Exploration Rover
- Martians
- Marvin Berry
- Mary
- Masseuse
- Master Control Program
- Master Xehanort
- Matt Hooper
- Maura Pfefferman
- Maury Povich
- Max
- Max Action Narrator
- Max Kenton
- May-Lah
- Mayor of Halloween Town
- Mayor of Sodor
- Mayor of Townsville
- Mc2
- McPherson
- Mecha Godzilla
- Medical Examiner
- Medieval Guardsman #2
- Megamind
- Mekaneck
- Mel Gibson
- Melanie
- Menstrual Care Bear
- Merman
- Mesogog
- Metalhead
- Mexican Waiter
- Michael Jackson
- Michael Kors
- Michelangelo
- Mickey Goldmill
- Micronaut Galactic Warrior
- Mighty Mouse
- Mike Feinberg
- Mike Tyson
- Mikey
- Miles Mayhem
- Military General
- Mind Over Splatter Narrator
- Mind Soldier #1
- Minecraft Sheep
- Minotaur
- Miss Finster
- Miss Grundy
- Mission Control
- Mister Robo-Rogers' Neighborhood Narrator
- Mitch Robbins
- Mitch the Cabbage Patch Kid
- Mjolnir
- Modo
- Moisty Merman
- Mojo Jojo
- Monkey
- Monopoly Son
- Montezuma
- Mop
- Morgue Attendant
- Mork
- Mortal Kombat Announcer
- Mortimer Bramble
- Mountain Climber
- Movie Announcer
- Movie Effectionist
- Mowgli
- Mr. Bill
- Mr. Bubble
- Mr. Davidson
- Mr. Dinkle
- Mr. Fantastic
- Mr. Horton
- Mr. Joe
- Mr. Krabs
- Mr. Magoo
- Mr. Marquez
- Mr. Miyagi
- Mr. Mxyzptlk
- Mr. Peanut
- Mr. Pink
- Mr. Potato Head
- Mr. Salt
- Mr. Spacely
- Mr. Tumnus
- Mr. Wembley
- Mrs. Brown
- Mrs. McNally's 3rd Grader
- Mrs. Portillo
- Mrs. Smith
- Ms. Lee
- Muffin Man
- Mugger #1
- Mulan
- Munchkin Mayor
- Muno
- Museum Guide
- Mushu
- Music Manager
- Muslim Terrorist
- Native American Chief
- Neighbors
- Nerd
- Nerd's Dad
- Nermal
- Nervous Kid's Friend
- Netflix Executive
- Network Executive
- Neville Longbottom
- News Anchor
- News Reporter
- Nick Fury
- Nicolas Cage
- Nicole
- Night's Watchman
- Noah
- North Vietnamese Soldier #2
- Not Me
- Notepad
- Nurse
- O.J. Slammer
- Oddjob
- Old Fred
- Old Man Phillips
- Old Men
- Old Rose
- Old Town Spook
- Olive Oyl
- Olivia
- Olmec
- Olsen Twins Associate #3
- One Eyed Alien
- Opera Singer
- Operation Patient
- Ophthalmologist
- Orlando Bloom
- Orville Wright
- Osama bin Laden
- Oscar
- Oscar Goldman
- Otis the Cow
- Otto Frank
- Overweight Nerd
- Owen Wilson
- Pammy Panda
- Papa Bear
- Papa Mousekewitz
- Paratrooper #1
- Party Popple
- Passenger
- Pastor
- Patchitt
- Paul
- Paul Martin
- Paul McCartney
- Paul Revere
- Pazuzu
- Peanut Son
- Pen
- Penguin #2
- Pepper
- Perry White
- Perseus
- Peter
- Peter Brady
- Pharmacist
- Phil
- Philip 'The Governor' Blake
- Phillip Drummond
- Phillip the Yummy Mummy
- Phone
- Photographer
- Pickle
- Pickle Joe
- Pictionary Host
- Pidge
- Pied Piper
- Pied Piper's Victim
- Pig-Pen
- Pigeon God
- Piglet
- Pilot #2
- Pimp Host
- Pink Hungry Hippo
- Pink Power Ranger
- Pippin Took
- Pizza Delivery Guy
- Pizza Tots Narrator
- Plastic Man
- Plato
- Pluto
- Po
- Poacher
- Poem Narrator
- Polar Claw
- Policeman
- Poncho
- Ponda Baba
- Pontius Pilate
- Pop
- Poppa Jay
- Pops Racer
- Poseidon
- Pottery Instructor
- Powerpuff Girls Narrator
- Praying Mantis
- Precious Jones
- Predator
- Predator Hunter
- Predator Jr.
- Predator Moviegoer
- Prince
- Prince Charming
- Prince Colwyn
- Prince Eric
- Prince Faisal
- Prince Phillip
- Princess Allura
- Princess Diana Beanie Baby
- Printer
- Private
- Private Investigator
- Private Side O'Bacon
- Producer
- Producer #1
- Professor Charles Xavier
- Protester
- Pruneface
- Psycho Killer
- Pterri
- Punjab
- Punk Pony's Boss
- Punxsutawney Phil
- Putter Popple
- Pythagoras
- Q
- Queen Elizabeth
- Quick Draw McGraw
- R'yan Narrator
- Rabbit Hybrid
- Rainbow Dim
- Ralph Malph
- Ralph the Lemming
- Randy McCormick
- Ranger Smith
- Rankin Bass Executive #2
- Rapper
- Rapping Pig
- Rapunzel
- Rat King
- Ray Griffith
- Ray Kinsella
- Rebecca Glint
- Red
- Red Baron
- Red Fraggle
- Red Knight
- Red Skull
- Red Sneetch
- Reggie the Snake
- Regis Philbin
- Reindeer
- Remus Lupin
- Reporter
- Reporter #2
- Resistance Officer #2
- Respectful Rabbit
- Reverse-Flash
- Rex
- Richard Nixon
- Robbie Sinclair
- Robert Muldoon
- RoboHobo
- Robot Wars Announcer
- Roboto
- Rock-1
- Rockbiter
- Rocket J. Squirrel
- Rod Serling Banana
- Roger 'Verbal' Kint
- Roger Chillingworth
- Roger Ebert's Assistant
- Roger Klotz
- Roland Emmerich
- Rom the Spaceknight
- Roman Castevet
- Roman Centurion
- Ron Alston
- Ron Weasley
- Rosie O'Donnell
- Roy O. Disney
- Rubble
- Rube Goldberg
- Rubik
- Running Joke
- Russian Agent
- Ryan Devlin
- Sabib
- Saddam Hussein
- Sailor
- Sailor Jupiter
- Sal
- Salem
- Salvador
- Sam Beckett
- Sam Witwicky
- Samuel Gerard
- Samwell Tarly
- Samwise Gamgee
- Sankara Stones
- Saruman
- Sasuke Uchiha
- Sauron
- Scabies
- Schlomo
- Schroeder
- Scientist
- Scissorhands Narrator
- Scooby-Dum
- Scoop
- Scorpion Customer
- Scotsman
- Scullion
- Secrets of the Animal Kingdom Narrator
- Self-Destruct Device
- Senator Sherwood
- Sergeant Johnson
- Seuss Brother
- Señor Clean
- Sgt. Hans Schultz
- Sgt. Warren Reed
- Shadow Weaver
- Shampoo
- Shark Joe
- Shark Tank Narrator
- Shark in a Tank
- Sharon
- Sheep
- Shepherd
- Sheriff Rosco Coltrane
- Sherlock Giraffe
- Sherlock the Squirrel
- Sherman
- Shermy
- Shirley
- Shockwave
- Shoeless Joe Jackson
- Shroomboom
- Sick Old Man
- Silk
- Simon Brown
- Sinestro
- Sirius Black
- Sister Act Narrator
- Skeleton Warrior #2
- Skull Island Chief
- Skunk Ape
- Skydiving Instructor
- Skylar Deleon
- Slats
- Slinky Dog
- Sloth
- Slowpoke Rodriguez
- Smokey Bear
- Snake
- Snirkles
- Snogs
- Snowman Cop #1
- Soda Popinski
- Solar Energy Plant Owner
- SolarTech
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Sonny the Cuckoo Bird
- Souls
- Soundwave
- Space Cat
- Spawn
- Spearhead
- Speedy Gonzales
- Spencer
- Spencer Shay
- Spider #1
- Splash Narrator
- Split
- Spoilers Host
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- Sport
- Spray Tanner
- Spritle
- Spud
- Squid
- Squidward's Photographer
- Squirrel Narrator
- Squirtle
- Stan Gable
- Stanley Kubrick
- Statler
- Stella Shortman
- Stephen
- Stephen King
- Steve
- Steve Rogers
- Steve the Chestburster
- Steven
- Steven Tyler
- Stieg Larsson
- Stork
- Streex
- Stringfellow Hawke
- Strong Mad
- Stu Pickles
- Stuart Wetherby
- Students
- Studio Executive
- Suicidal Man
- Suite Life Narrator
- Suited Man
- Summer Soldier
- Sunflowers
- Super Grover
- Super Horny
- Super Snooper
- Superman
- Surf & Turf Narrator
- Surgeon
- Surprised Husband
- Surreal Life Narrator
- Swift Wind
- Switchamaf**k Narrator
- Swordfish
- Sydney Bristow
- Sylvanian Man
- T-1000
- T-Rex
- TSA Security Officer
- Taco Terror
- Tamagotchi Kid
- Tamra Judge
- Tank
- Tater Tot #2
- Tatum's Alligator Farm Narrator
- Taxman
- Taylor Hawkins
- Ted Turner
- Teela
- Teen
- Teenage Girl
- Teflon
- Templeton 'Faceman' Peck
- TerrorTech
- Tetromino
- The Baby-Sitters Club Announcer
- The Bill
- The Brain
- The Candyman
- The Gromble
- The King of Town
- The Mailbird
- The Mandarin
- The Map
- The Medic
- The Moth
- The Old Man
- The Schlorps
- The Witch
- Thetans
- Thom Yorke
- Thomas Edison
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas the Apostle
- Thomas the Tank Engine
- Thomas the Tank Engine Narrator
- Thug
- Thug #2
- Thug Leader
- Tic Tac #1
- Ticket Salesman
- Tiger
- Tim Allen
- Tim Kelly
- Time Travel Cyborg #1
- Time Travel Son's Future Self
- Time Travel Tree
- Time Traveler
- Timmy
- Timothy Q. Mouse
- Tin Man
- Tinky Winky
- Titanic Officer
- Titmouse
- Toad
- Tobey Maguire
- Toby Williams
- Toby the Redshirt
- Todd
- Todd the Atheist
- Toilet
- Tom the Lemming
- Tommy
- Tommy Pickles
- Tonto
- Tony
- Tooth
- Top Hat
- Tora Brown
- Tortoise
- Toucan Sam
- Tourist Driver
- Toyman
- Tracey Ullman
- Track and Field Coach
- Train Station Manager
- Trash
- Traveling Pants Narrator
- Travis
- Travis Bickle
- Travis Coates
- Tree Love Narrator
- Trevor Trembo
- Trevor the Dementor
- Trevor's Dad
- Tri-Klops
- Tribble
- Tribesman
- Tripod
- Trottel
- Troy
- Tuddy Cicero
- Tupac Shakur
- Turbo Teen
- Turtle
- Tweety Bird
- Twitch
- Two-Face
- Tyler Durden
- USS Enterprise PA System
- Ultron
- Uncle Remus
- Underdog
- Uranus
- Van Helsing
- Vanilla Ice
- Vendor
- Venger
- Venom
- Verne Troyer
- Vibratron
- Victor
- Vince Vaughn
- Vincent Vega
- Violator
- Viper
- Vladimir Putin
- Vlobb
- W.C. Cogswell
- Waddle Dee
- Walder Frey
- Walker
- Walking Man
- Walter Donovan
- Walter the Janitor
- Waluigi
- Washington Generals Narrator
- Watchmen Watcher
- Weis
- Well Man
- Wendell Porcupine
- Wendy's Employee
- Wesley Crusher
- Westworld Guest
- Whammy
- Wheeler
- White Van Man
- Whitey 2 Chainz
- Wife
- Wife Swap Narrator
- Wiggins
- Wilbur Wright
- Wild Bill
- Will Munny
- Will Smith
- William Adama
- Willie Tanner
- Wilma Flintstone
- Wilson
- Winnie the Pooh
- Witterquick
- Wizard of Oz
- Wolf
- Wolfgang
- Woman with Purse
- Wonka Narrator
- Woody Woodpecker
- World War I Pilot #3
- World's Greatest Dad
- Worm
- Xenomorph Instructor
- Yinsen
- Yogi Bear
- Yosemite Sam
- Yoshi
- You Can't Do That on Flashdance Announcer
- Young Indiana Jones
- Zack
- Zak
- Zantar
- Zazu
- Zebra
- Zephir
- Ziggy's Boss
- Zipper
- Zombie Hunter
- Zorro
- Zummi Gummi
- Zuri(voz)