It actually would have been super funny if the main male character was called Mark ... anyway and no pun intended ... this is based on a book (or series of books I suppose ... can you tell I have not read them?) ... I reckon if you liked the book you may find something in here that I was not able to discover ... on the other hand, I would like to imagine (again no pun intended), that the book is less cliched.
All that said, if you criticize action movies and thrillers and what not for being predictable ... well I have a (love) story to sell to you ... no literally just the one (trick pony) thing ... I don't blame the actors and as you can see from my rating I don't even feel that this is the worst movie ever (by a stretch and then some) ... but apart from being predictable, it also can be quite annoying at times. And while a movie does not have to be ... well sexual, I do wonder how the rating was given based on this being ... too sexual? Must have missed something - still if you were not raised in a church or strict in general, nothing here will make you blush ... so do not expect too much from that department.
Some things happen too easy ... others are way too complicated ... mark my words ... (also why men? I mean I get that there are more than just our main guy ... the others do not really play too much of a role though ... again no pun intended ... and a shame when it comes to Alexander Ludwig ... but you can see and enjoy him in many other things)