I am only half way through watching the first episode of the Hollywood/Disney-fied version of British History and find it appalling and disgusting. Have they had a 'Single' Historian on the programme? NO! Have they had loads of actors and actresses who are 'known' in USA on - YES. Do these people KNOW anything of British History HFNO!
Not a single person on the programme has read Tacitus or reviewed the historical archaeological evidence? NO
Showing WHITE 'North' European looking Romans invading Britain in 56AD... The romans and all people's of the Med. Sea region of that era were black as the ace of spades! IF they had read Tacitus and the records of the Roman Empire, they would know the reason for the invasion was the 'Angelic' look of the peoples, strong - sturdy - white or red hair, with Pale complexions, that fetched the highest price on in the Roman Slave Auctions!! The invasion was about MONEY! Not about land, Southern France and Egypt were the bread baskets... the 'midge' infested North! Why do people of Italy have blue eye's today, the slaves that were paid in tribute 'post-Budica'! I could tell it was tripe when they said it was 10,000 Romans who invaded Britain, it was 5 legions of 25,000 (per legion) just to 'impose' their military might and take slaves from the southern half of Britain. This programme is total fantasy and it should either never have been made or the producers should have consulted REAL HISTORIANS. I shall NOT be watching the rest of this Tripe as it can only get worse and there is far too much of 'bash the British' attitude in a few nations of the world.