I found this thing by accident, i saw it was only 20 minutes and gave it a try. I can tell you, this movie is extremely tame compared to movies that even came before it. There really isn't anything super gross in this movie if we are being honest.
Some of the lets call them gore shoots look good and realistic i'll give them that positive. Everything else no. There's zero plot, zero reason to care, there is zero vocals, this whole movie felt like a waist of time. I felt like i was watching Begotten again, that's what this movie hits, and that's not a good thing.
There really isn't any structure or plot in all of this, even the sound is super muffled. There's a scene where these masked people are speaking i am going to blindly assume Russian, and there is no subtitles to understand what is being said.
Also i cant even speak about the plot, because there is literally zero, but i mean zero plot to all of this. It's just some person torturing another person in weird bizzare ways, that's pretty much it. Except it's muffled with random shots of a Nazistic book that serves no purpose.
There is no reason for you to go out and watch this thing. There are way more disgusting movies out there that came way before this thing did like Guinea Pig or Men Behind the Sun or Cannibal Holocaust, all of the movies i just listed tower over this movie both effect wise, plot wise, gore wise, everything is better then this.
2 stars for the effects, everything else sucks. This movie felt like it was 40+ minutes not 20 minutes.