While the acting gets a little corny at times, the vibe is definitely prevalent in this movie. It's got a good feeling. Simple plot, easy to follow, and while some of the time I found myself looking at my shoes, I was drawn into it. By the time Frankie meets David, I was hooked. The beginning is a little slow, and that's lethal for those out there with ADD. But I know for sure that myself as well as most of my friends have wished for the type of relationship Frankie and David have in this flick. You have seen the physical dramas where the girl is kidnapped and needs rescuing, and you've seen the emotional dramas where the girl is in the abusive relationship and he saves her from it and you've seen the really far-fetched movies where there's some kind of Monster/ Cyborg/ Evil Psycho trying to Kill/ Maim/ Eat her and the lead male saves her from it, but rarely, if ever, do you see one of these well-written, not so surreal movies wherein the girl wears real clothes, people make mistakes, and things are sometimes awkward. On purpose.
It's refreshing to see, even if it means getting corny at times. There are few ways around cornball moments in life. Making life into film or even the dream of life and avoiding them is near impossible.
Personally, I'd recommend this movie to anyone looking for a serious, rewarding, real-life type fictional romance. Give it a chance. See the whole thing. And don't you DARE look at your shoes.